Revealed: the face of the first European – the first Black Europeans – by -Oguejiofor Annu
A consortium of European artists and scientists working for the forthcoming BBC 2 documentary series “The Incredible Human Journey” recently reconstructed the face of the first modern European and it turns out to be the face of an ancient so-called “Black” African immigrant. S/He probably lived 35,000 years ago in the ancient forests of the Carpathian Mountains around the present day Romania.
The bone reconstructions are based on scientifically validated skeletal and cranial measurements.
According to reports circulating in scientific journals, media and the internet:
..The facial features indicate the close affinity of these early Europeans to their immediate African ancestors, although it was still not possible to determine the person’s sex.
The scientists also conceed that:
“the colour was probably darker than modern-day Europeans, reflecting a more recent African origin”
The bones were discovered by Potholers in Pestera cu Oase, the “cave with bones”, located in the south-western Carpathians between 2002 and 2003. Radiocarbon dating confirmed their age at 35,000 years old.
Erik Trinkaus, professor of anthropology at Washington University in Missouri, and a scientist who studied the bones in detail, stated that the jaw was the oldest, directly-dated modern human fossil.
“Taken together, the material is the first that securely documents what modern humans looked like when they spread into Europe,” he said.
Modern Humans
Modern humans are different from Neanderthals. Neanderthals presumably lived in Europe for 300,000 years, surviving a number of ice ages. They gradually disappeared around 25,000 years ago.
Original fossil remains were found around the Neander valley, near Dusseldorf, Germany. Later studies showed that the Neanderthals were socially advanced. However they had left little or no signs of art, decoration or jewellery. A flute attributed to the Neanderthals was recently discovered which had archaeologists suggesting a higher level of sophistication than first thought.
Homo sapiens arrived in Europe some 35,000 years ago, from Morocco and from Libya and Ethiopia. Homo sapiens are modern humans and have not evolved into any other specie or type as yet. They competed with the Neanderthals for 10,000 years. DNA studies are still ambivalent on whether the two species interbred.
First remains of Homo sapiens – modern humans – were found in 1868 near a cave in the Dordogne, France, and known as Cro-Magnon man. As the BBC series sponsored reconstruction has clearly demonstrated, the Cro-Magnon man was an African, a black African founder of modern Europe.
The Cromagnons appear cranially and skeletally unrelated to modern Europeans or modern Eurasiatics. Cro-Magnons were closely tied to the Mechtoids of North Africa and later populations in North Africa along Nile who became the Bronze Age Nilotes like the Naqqada Badarian groups related to present day East Africans.
The Cro-Magnon, and the Aurignacians people lie at the root of modern Europe. They left artefacts and culture in Europe in places like Chauvet, Lascaux and Altamira. They brought language, fire, and elemental sciences. In the ages spanning their existence, much of what became European religion and culture was established.
All bones found in European graves carbon-dated between 35,000 and 5,000 years ago have been exclusively the bones of African people…black people…the original owners of Europe…the original Europeans.
Oguejiofo Annu
May 18, 2009
Science 20 April 2007:Vol. 316. no. 5823, p. 364 DOI: 10.1126/science.316.5823.364a
C. Loring Brace: The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form; PNAS | January 3, 2006 | vol. 103 | no. 1 | 242-247
E. Smith: The Ancient Egyptians, p. 58
The First (Black) Europeans: The Original Africans Of Europe – By – Oguejiofo Annu
Looks accurate to me. He looks West African. I read a genetic study that showed that Europeans originally came from West Africa.
Which study? I thought the homo sapiens that left Africa came from East Africa.
What he states about cromagnon is not supported by the DNA analysis developed by National Geographic and the Genographic Project.
Tell us more about your cromagnon theory or science… we are listening and we will respond. Present your case.
Late last year I saw a picture of a prehistoric homosaphian on the cover of national geographic, he was black, also there were pics of Paleolithic cave art which have been attributed to these types.
The ancient people Natufian mentioned in the article written by C. Loring Brace were of ‘Negroid’ in characteristics and had carried Aurignacian culture into Palestine after the last glacial melt, which was approximately 35,000 years ago. They are regarded as the civilizers of Europe. According Larry Angel, the Natufian had Negroid traits and were the first farmers of Anatolian and Macedonian. Their predecessors were from Nubia who were also the predecessors of the Badarians and Tasians. To clarify the case”demic diffision” mentioned in Mr. Brace’s article was the spread of agricultural subsistence, as a process having involved the transmission of ‘Negroid’ traits that originated directly in Africa! The fact is that the agricultural revolution was sparked by the overflow of African groups into the “Near East”. Their descendant the Natufian–latest hunters would serve as the conduit of the spread of farming subsistence into the Near East and Europe, giving rise to the first farmers in Anatolia and Macedonia.
There is another Anthropologist that agrees with Mr. Brace on the Cro-Magnon not being an ancestor to the Modern Europeans. Ellen Levy-Coffman wrote an article entitled: “We Are Not Our Ancestors: Evidence for Discontinuity Between Prehistoric and Modern Europeans” concluded that according to ancient DNA studies there is a genetic break or “discontinuity” between ancient and modern day European maternal histories. This evidence indicates that Modern-Day “White” Europeans MtDNA haplogroup frequencies and distributions should not be considered living fossils of Europe’s Paleolithic past. Having said that, Modern Day Europeans Haplogroup R cannot be accurately used as genetic proxies for their prehistoric Black European Ancestors. The San/Khoisan also referred to as the “Grimaldi Man” appeared in Europe 45,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon appeared later some 35,000 years ago who was also a Black African. Brace and Levy also agree that the Modern European did not evolve from the Cro-Magnon as once suggested. The Modern Day European arrived in Europe (circa 1,200 years B.C.) from Central Asia.
Modern White Y-DNA clearly shows that there are NO uniquely “White” haplogroups; but rather all White DNA is derived from Black haplogroups. The following are the DNA results for the original people of Europe.
Black Eastern Europeans–mainly Y-DNA haplogroup “I”
Black Central Europeans–MtDNA haplogroups H, T2, U5b, J
Black Central Europeans–Y-DNA haplogroups I2b2, R1a, R1b
Paglicci 23 is the name for human remains found in Paglicci Cave in Apulia, Italy that have been dated to 28,000 B.C., the MtDNA is “H”. The same was found in the Lichtenstein Cave.
Otzi the Iceman a well preserved natural mummy of a man from about 3300 B.C. The mummy was found in September 1991 in the Schnalstal glacier in the Otztal Alps, near Hauslabjoch on the border between Austria and Italy is MtDNA “K”.
In England the ‘Cheddar Man’ is the name given to the remains of a human male found in Gough’s Cave in Cheddar Gorge, Somerset, England. The remains date to approxiamately 12,700 B.C. It is Britain’s oldest complete human skeleton, his MtDNA is U5 also found in the Lichenstein Cave.
As you have read Modern Day White Europeans are not the originals of Europe.
I’m not ashamed to admitt,I have learned alot. So whites came from Blacks. You are gooood.
Yes I the origin of creation is Africa indeed. So we should all learn from this to overcome ignorant misconceptions of race, overcome babylon miseducation, and truly liberate our livity. Look into the root of mankind, and what do we find? HIM Selassie I ancient wisdom, love, respect, and power. All of Babylon historians and scientists cannot dispute the words of the Master Teacher. So let us not dwell too much on race, for HIM set unification as our overriding priority. RESPECT
This article and the TV show on which it is based is propaganda. The first Europeans were not black and there’s no reason at all to believe so, certainly not as recently as 35,000 years ago.
The first modern humans in Europe didn’t come directly from Africa on a charter cruise line. They came from ancestral populations that had already been living in north central asia, in the conditions and climate that selected for light skin for tens of thousands of years.