“The Nigri Latinis
Morlachs (Mauro-Vlachs or Mavrovlachi, also Nigri Latini in Latin sources, meaning “Black Vlachs”; in Greek: mauros-valchio, in Serbian and Croatian Mor-laci [mor-latsi]) were a population of Vlachs. In another version their name comes from the slavic terms of “mor – ski-Vlasi” or Sea Vlachs.
The morlachs were shepherds that lived in the Dinaric Alps (western Balkans in modern use), seasonally migrating in search for better pastures for their sheep flocks (between mountains, in the summertime, and the sea shores, in the wintertime). They were a blend of previously Romanized indigenous peoples and new settled Roman army veterans and Roman colonists.
The adjective “black” may be used here with the meaning of “northern”, this metaphor probably deriving from the Turkish practice of indicating cardinal directions by colors.
Reports from the mid-11th century tell how the Morlachs lived in the mountainous regions of Montenegro, Bosnia, Stari Vlah, and Herzegovina …”
Dear Reader
If you notice, the wiki author of article above tries to explain the meaning of the latin word “Nigri” (and by extension Mauros) as Northern!
Well both of us know that Nigri is a word used for Black people.
We also know that the Greek word Mauros used for Mauro Vlach means Black and not Northern.
The word “Vlach” comes from the same roots as “Wealas”. They say Wealas was the name the Goths and the Slavs called the people they met on the land.
The Gothics claim the word Wealas or Welsh means a stranger to their tribe. Among the Ibos of Nigeria, N’Weala means owner of the land.
In any event the Gothics were immigrants to Europe, and the Wealas were aboriginal. None gothic people.
Consequently, if we hear that people were called Nigri latinis, or black Vlach, or Mauros Vlach, we know automatically that such people were:
1. Black in complexion
2. Moorish in Nationality
3. Of pure Latini origin
4. Aboriginal
5. European.
“In 1892-3, Professor Sergl published in the Bulletin of the Royal Medical
Academy of Rome an importiuit paper, showing that in early ages there
must have been a migration of African dwarfs to the European countries
bounding on the Mediterranean, and as far east at least as Moscow.” Dwarrf Survival and traditions as to pygmy race, Haliburton Robert Grant: http://archive.org/details/cihm_05371
“We have seen that
Jfian Temporal called a cave-dwelling tribe of Abyssinians “Vosges;”
and Professor Schlichter says that the Akka dwarfs of Equatorial Africa
are known to their neighbors as Voshu, and also Tii-i- TiArt names connected
with the Akka dwarfs of Southern Morocco, who are also called
Jed-ibwa (the “Fathers of Our Fathers”). When I asked natives of
Southern Morocco, ” Have you ever heard of the name Tikif” I carefully
avoided using the reduplication. Tliey all said “Yes, Tiki-Tiki, Tiiki-
Tiiki ; that is a name for the Little People ;” and subsequently a half-breed
Spanish Nano gave me the same reply. The range of Tiki- Tiki extends
to Polynesia, where it is used for ancestral dwarf-gods, one of which, the
dwarf Creator, Tiki, resembles tlie dwarf Creator, Ptah, of the Egyptians.’
” Tiki ” and ” Tilki,” seem to be a shortening of those names for
dwarfs and dwarf-gods, so familiar to the ancients, and still used in
Morocco—Patiki, and Patdiki. The Tilka-Tiika (a name not hitherto
known to anthropologists) are very small dwarfs in South Africa, who,
the Kaffirs say, are a perfectly distinct race from the Bushmen. “Dwarrf Survival and traditions as to pygmy race, Haliburton Robert Grant: http://archive.org/details/cihm_05371