France will hold a national day of remembrance for the victims of slavery every 10 May, President Jacques Chirac has announced.
Monthly Archives: January 2006
Some Teachings of The Right Hon. Marcus Garvey
A Mystery Basque Plane called Negus…
African Roots of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu
The Fomorians
There are many oblique references to the presence of Black people in ancient Ireland. Ancient Irish mythology refers to the original inhabitants of the island as being a giant, sea-faring people called the Fomorians (Fomors), which means “dark of the sea”. According to the ancient lore, they were a cushitic people from the African continent. Often depicted as demons, they defeated the first few incoming waves of invaders, but could not defeat the Firbolgs, who settled the land and lived side-by-side with the native Fomors.
Genesis of Jews – The True Juice
The Korean Peninsula, Nuclear Arms Race and World Insecurity
Considering the current buzz in the world media that the South Korean government admitted to the International Atomic Energy Agency that a group of the country’s scientists secretly produced a small amount of near-weapons grade uranium, one has to wonder what really is going on in the Korean peninsula.
African Athena and The Modern Olympics
One can only wonder how many African descendants who watched or participated in the 2004 Olympics know the remarkably strong connection between that event and the ancient civilizations developed by their ancestors. To begin with, the city that hosted the 2004 Olympics is named after a black goddess Neith. She became known to the world as Athena.