25th May: Africa Day
25th May is Africa Day, commemorating the date when the Organization of African Unity was set up in 1963. In July 2002, this organization was replaced by the African Union. 44 years on, what is the significance of Africa Day? Is it just another day, just another cause for the rich and powerful who use Africa to feather their own nests to make another pretty buck or has something actually been achieved? read more
Venezuela giving Danny Glover $18m to direct film on Toussaint Louverture led slave revolt
Chavez hopes venture will aid anti-imperialist fight
Actor wants to educate US on Toussaint Louverture read more
The Wise Teachings of Marcus Garvey
Edited by Jahdey
On Inspiration
What you do to-day that is worthwhile, inspires others to act at some future time.
On National Pride
There is nothing in the world common to man, that man cannot do. read more
Nigerian Satellite launched by China
Afro-Chinese Cooperation
The official Xinhua news agency says it is the first time that a foreign buyer has purchased both a Chinese satellite and its launching service. read more
The Black Stone, the Black Tribe of Koreysh, the Black Prophet
The Kaaba – the Black Stone
The Kaaba was a pagan shrine of great antiquity which housed the black stone, a meteorite that was probably brought by the Kushitic Black Arabs from Kushitic Ethiopia where such worship was routine. Pagan rites were routinely performed at the Kaaba in Mecca. read more
Cannabis Vapourizer and Benefits:
Users of marijuana (also called cannabis) who vaporize the drug have fewer lung symptoms than those who smoke it, researchers report. read more
Cannabis Depression and Pyschosis
According to Diodorus Siculus (the Sicilian Greek historian who lived from 90 to 21 BC) Egyptian (Khemitic) women used cannabis “as a medicine to relieve sorrow and bad humour.” read more
Starbucks strikes Ethiopia deal
Starbucks and the Ethiopian government have reached an agreement which could help end a dispute over trademarks.
The two sides agreed in principle to sign a licensing and marketing deal which recognises the importance of Ethiopia’s speciality coffee beans. read more
Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues