President Obama traveled to Portsmouth, New Hampshire Tuesday for his first post Presidential campaign ‘town hall-style’ meeting geared to garner support for his healthcare overhaul agenda.
Monthly Archives: August 2009
Fizzy Drinks and Liver Cancers – Rasta Livewire Reports
Rasta Livewire
11th August 2009
Doctors in various hospitals around the world have noticed a spike in a condition known as fatty liver disease which can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer. Fatty liver disease is normally associated with extreme alcoholism but many persons outside that risk group are showing up with the same disease.
When the Cure is Worse than the Disease: Brain Tumor Patients Cautioned About Radiotherapy – Rasta Livewire Reports
South-South Co-operation:Nigeria, Gambia to sign pact on technical aid agreement – News Report
U.S. Medical Negligence Death Rate Doubles: Bloody Knights of the Hospitaliers
Preventable medical mistakes and infections are responsible for about 200,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, according to an investigation by the Hearst media corporation. The report comes 10 years after the Institute of Medicine’s “To Err Is Human” analysis, which found that 44,000 to 98,000 people were dying annually due to these errors and called for the medical community and government to cut that number in half by 2004.