Ancient Hebrews of LachishIntroduction: According to the standard Jewish Encyclopaedia 96% of all the Jews known to the world today are the descendants of the Khazar tribes of Russia, eastern Europe and western Mongolia; these are the Ashkenazi Jews, the other major sect of the Jews are the Sephardic jews, and they are a bastard people from the mixing of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Kenites, Edomites and some true Israelites. the Jews have never been Isrealites; they are not Israelites now; and they will never be more
American Propose A Nuclear Attack Against the Moon – Lion!
The elites of the western world especially the United States are going all out for brokes. It was just announced that NASA the US space agency responsible for all space missions is planning to launch a guided missile tipped with nuclear bomb to the moon. read more
The Islamic Roots of Ahmadinejad: “He was Never a Jew” – News Report
In June 2005, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s meteoric rise from mayor of Tehran to president of one of the most influential countries in the Middle East took everyone by surprise. One of the main reasons for the astonishment was that so little was known about more
The Japan Times
September 22, 1999
Skull alters theory on colonization of Americas
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) Anthropologists unveiled the oldest known human fossil from the Americas on Monday, a woman’s skull with African features that could revolutionize theories about the continent’s early inhabitants. read more
This is a video adaptation of a documentary filmstrip which explains the scientific relationship between diet and cancer. It presents evidence that cancer, like scurvy or pellagra, is a dietary deficiency disease. read more
Ali Bongo is the current President of the republic of Gabon in West Africa. He is the son of the deceased president of the republic of Gabon, Omar Bongo who ruled the country for 40 years. read more
The Unholy Secret Alliance Between Iran, Israel and United States: Oguejiofo Annu
The Iranian Jewish community is one of the oldest in the world, claiming more than 4000 years of continuous presence in Iran. They counted more than 80,000 members before the Islamic revolution of more
Is Ahmadinajad a Jewish Iranian?A photograph of the Iranian president holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 clearly shows his family has Jewish roots.
A close-up of the document reveals he was previously known as Sabourjian – a Jewish name meaning cloth more