Urban Warfare Comes Home To Roost in the United States: Four Cops killed in Ambush
Four police officers were shot and killed Sunday morning in what authorities called a targeted ambush at a coffee house in Washington state, a sheriff’s official said.read more
Clergy were able to molest hundreds of vulnerable children because of a “systemic, calculated perversion of power” that put their abusers above the law, the Irish government said. read more
By Jide UwechiaGeorges Jansoone – Self-photographed Miniature drawing of a caravel from 16th century; Museum of the Forte da Ponta da Bandeira; Lagos, Portugal
The capital of Nigeria and the biggest state in Nigeria, West Africa are named Lagos. Lagos is an Iberic word which means the lakes. The province of Algrave in Portugal also has a city by the name of Lagos. How come the capital of Nigeria is situated in a locality named after a Portugese word is one of those not so known incidents of history.read more
cia-book-of-magickVoodoo – CIA Book Of Magic Spells Republished
A CIA manual instructing US agents on the use of paranormal powers, European-type voodoo, magic spells and tricks during the Cold War has gone on sale.read more
William Smith, L.L.D.
MAURETA´NIA the NW. coast of Africa, now known as the Empire of Marocco, Fez, and part of Algeria, or the Mogh’rib-al-akza (furthest west) of the natives.
I. Name, Limits, and Inhabitants.read more
This young lady in the video was brutally assaulted by a King county, Wash. so-called police officer who kicked her down, slammed her on the cell walls, hit her then dragged her off by her hair. Brutality undiluted. The Deputy has been charged with assault but pleaded not guilty.read more
Rasta Livewire picked up chatter about a certain transaction surrounding the cursed body parts of the noted war criminal Benito Mussolini. It was so strange we had to share it with you all:read more
The following article is not an apologia for rudeness and wickedness of the racist culture of Australia. But it does give one an inkling of where the thoughtlessness and heartlessness of it all arose…and it is in the horrible and heart chilling tales of rape and abuse that were so rampant in the history of the development of the so-called white culutre of Australia. Read below an excerpt of the unspeakable abominations routinely perpertrated by so-called “white” against “white” on the lost and stolen Black continent of Australia….read more
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