H.I.H. Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile Selassie, grandson of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia placed a wreath of red, yellow and green flowers at the African American Civil War Memorial on September 12th, the first day of the 3rd Ethiopian Millennium – (Ethiopia still follows the original Egyptian Calendar.) Surrounded by a group of Ethiopian religious and military officials, and other leaders in the Ethiopian, African American and Ethiopian World Federation community, H.I.H. Prince Ermias spoke eloquently about the debt Ethiopians owe to the African American community for their support during Mussolini’s Fascist invasion of Ethiopia, and their struggle for civil rights enabling Ethiopian Americans to participate in American society with dignity.
Monthly Archives: November 2009
The Ugandan Soldiers of Fortune in Iraq – Rasta Livewire Reports
In the duplicitous market of Iraq war industry, where reality is full of smoke and mirrors, a security services firm known as Watertight Security Services (WSS) has been training and sending thousands of Ugandans as mecenaries and security guards to Iraq since 2007.
House Pass President Obama’s Health Care Project – News Report
Mystery Virus Rampaging Through Ukraine – News Report
Beating the Diabetes Pandemic – Rasta Health Corner
“White” Cannibals of Europe: Medical Cannibalism in Europe – Hidden History
This series entitled "white" cannibals of Europe will give voice to the hidden but pervasive history of cannibalism, necrophilia, and necromancy in Europe among western and eastern European nations. The series will present incontrovertible evidence, often provided by so called "white" European authorities and intellectuals often writing for an local "white" elites who still read and understand real history as opposed to reality T.V.
Here Rasta Livewire presents: The Cannibals of Europe....
A Tribute to the Late Cedella Marley: Homage to Bob Marley’s Mother – Historical Retrospect
90 minutes of Fraud, and Forgery at Entebbe, UGANDA 1976 – Historical Retrospect
90 minutes of Fraud, and Forgery at Entebbe, UGANDA 1976 – Historical Retrospect
Newly released British [government] documents contain a claim by an unnamed contact that the Shin Bet security service collaborated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine to hijack the June 1976 flight from Israel that was diverted to Entebbe, Uganda, the BBC reported Friday.
United States Goes to Pot: Cannabis/Medical Marijuana – News Report
Maine voters became the first [in the United States] to license nonprofit organizations to sell medical marijuana on Tuesday, with the state’s Question 5 cruising to a landslide victory. With roughly half of the precincts reporting, six in ten Maine voters had tallied in favor of allowing state-licensed nonprofits to distribute pot to approved patients.
Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda Speaks: Africa, China, Europe, Trade and Investment
There is a debate among geopolitical and economic commentators about the merits of Chinese versus western involvement with Africa. One argument is that Chinese investment is exploitative and undermines the development of democracy and human rights on the continent. Others view the matter in terms of competition, arguing that China is encroaching on the decades-long monopoly of the west over Africa’s natural resources.