Disgraceful Emperors of Ancient Rome: A Five Hundred Year Overview
-By – Brenda Ralph Lewis
The imperial history of Ancient Rome started well enough, with Octavius Caesar, whose reign name, Augustus, meant “worthy of respect”. But, it did not continue that way. read more
Jamaican Rastas bring cultural diversity to ‘Promised Land’- by Patrina Pink
Rastafarians who have repatriated to the Shashemene province in southern Ethiopia are reportedly having a monumental impact upon the youth of the area. read more
Eskimos have brown skin. Eskimos have broad, flat noses. Africans have brown skin. Africans have broad, flat noses. Scientific studies have reported that people are dark because they live near the equator—not because they are Negroid or have a Negroid admixture. There are repeated arguments made by anthropologists when referring to Arabs being brown in color because of the equalitarian closeness. So what about the brownness of skin that occurs in mankind who live the furthest from the equator—the Artic? Also, the Eskimos’ nose shape does not work to explain temperature-dependencies. Broad, flat noses are more beneficial in hot environments—Oh really!read more
How I see life:
Once upon a time, you was a drop of sperm and the white of egg. Then you was a zygote, then an embryo, then a crawling and babbling baby, then a prime mature, then an oldie…then dust goes to dust, water to water and wind to wind… and life goes on…read more
Marcus Mosiah Garvey is one of the world’s most renowned Black leaders. Garvey was no ordinary man, but one of those rare creatures of history whose fate it is to be seized with the social and economic oppression of a people and who see this oppression as his or her own spiritual mission. No other Black man in history was able to understand so clearly the worldwide oppressions of Black people, and no other was in turn perceived by so many Blacks as the one person with the solution to their problems.read more
Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues