Worldwide many people use eddoes and research shows that the parts of the eddo used for healing differ from culture to culture. Some people use the juice of the root (coms) for hair loss, piles and internally as a laxative; some apply heated tubers to painful rheumatic joints.
Monthly Archives: April 2015
Lime and Sickle Cell Anemia: Rasta Natural Health Corner
Lime and Sickle cell anemia (SCA)
According to the CDC, SCA afflicts about 95,000 Americans and is diagnosed in 1 in every 500,000 African-American births. A hereditary blood disorder, SCA is characterized by an abnormality in the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecule in red blood cells. A clinical trial on lime juice was recently found to reduce painful episodes (50.0% lime juice intervention versus 92.7% control); febrile illness (46.6% lime juice intervention versus 87.3% control) and hospital admission rate (3.4% lime juice intervention versus 34.5% control) for sickle cell anemia in children.
The Depredations of Thomas Cromwell – the villian ruffian
Beautiful Rainbow Shines As Obama Departs from Jamaica April 10, 2015
Aboriginal Abkhazians of Russia – African Roots of Abkhazia
Zana: Did DNA Tests Show 19th Century Abkhazian Woman was ‘100% Sub-Saharan African’?
A great deal of confused speculation has developed around the biological identity of a “wild woman” named Zana, who reportedly lived during the 19th century in a remote village called T’Khina in Abkhazia, south of Russia.
The Moors of Britain: Black population of Early Britain – Hebrides and Western Scotland
The journal of a tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. By James Boswell, .. (1791)
A Description of THE WESTERN ISLANDS Of Scotland (CIRCA 1695)