Before Columbus:
Black Explorers
of the New World
By Legrand H. Clegg II
Every October Americans pause to celebrate Columbus Day. Children are taught that the Italian navigator discovered America. Parades are held in his honor and tributes tell of his skill, courage and perseverance. read more

(2012)Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y-Chromosome Variation of Modern Iranians – Viola Grugni1, Alessandro Achilli2, , Antonio Torroni1, Ornella Semino1,4* read more
A picture is worth a thousand words…

Here is a interesting FACT that you may not be aware of. They have never sequenced the DNA of the ancient Judaeans/ Israelites. All studies done are on modern peoples claiming ancient Israelite ancestry. Until the ancient DNA of the Judaeans/Israelites are actually sequenced the so-called DNA studies used are just theories.
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US troops pull out of effort to find Kony
Culled from BBC World Service
American special forces withdrew from the Central African Republic where were helping an African Union-led force fight the notorious Ugandan rebel group, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). read more
The Guardian
How the aristocracy preserved their power
After democracy finally shunted aside hereditary lords, they found new means to protect their extravagant riches. For all the modern tales of noble poverty and leaking ancestral homes, their private wealth and influence remain phenomenal read more
How “IVRI” Became “Hebrew”
The Israelites wrote their name in their language with the letters ????. The letters I V R I represent ???? in English. In the original tongue used to write the Bible, the word the letters represent is pronounced Erverh. read more

Pakistan is set to have its first ever lawmaker of African descent, raising the profile of a small and mostly poor community that has been in the region for centuries. read more
Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues