Moorish Portugese Sailors in Japan 1542 A.D: The Black European Series

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Below is a paintng from the Royal courts of Japan commemorating the visit to Japan of the Portugese in 1542.

Observe the Moorish (black) sailors in Portugese costumes.

Those were the original black sailors of Europe, the Moorish seamen, like Pierto de Nino, Mathieu da Costa, etc. They taught Europeans how to sail.

Black Portugese

Stamp Commemorating the Arrival of Portugese in Japan – Portugal

Japanese painting commemorating the Portugese who arrived in Japan

Muurish Portugese in Japan 16th century

Muurish Portugese in Japan

Muurish Portugese 15th century

Muurish Portugese in Japan

Moore at Muurish Portugese

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One thought on “Moorish Portugese Sailors in Japan 1542 A.D: The Black European Series”

  1. Yes, these are Black Moorish seamen and yes, Black Moors did exist within Iberian aristocracy. But the notion that they “taught Europeans how to sail is absurd” as the Phoenicians (and their direct descendants, the Vikings), were excellent sailors who had successfully travelled the world.

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