African Roots of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu

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The Fomorians

There are many oblique references to the presence of Black people in ancient Ireland. Ancient Irish mythology refers to the original inhabitants of the island as being a giant, sea-faring people called the Fomorians (Fomors), which means “dark of the sea”. According to the ancient lore, they were a cushitic people from the African continent. Often depicted as demons, they defeated the first few incoming waves of invaders, but could not defeat the Firbolgs, who settled the land and lived side-by-side with the native Fomors.

Those myths may have a factual historical basis. It is proposed that the Formorians were a real people who were in all likelihood sailors from the African continent.

Two more invasions, the first led by the godly Tuatha de Danaan, and the second by the Celtic Milesians, took control of Ireland, mixing together with the Fomorians until they were no more.

There are credible sources for the African association with Ireland. The most likely of these is that they were Phoenicians and/or Egyptians. The Phoenicians were Canaanites, which came from the line of Ham. Ham is the mythological ancestor of the Black nation.

The Phoenicians were also well-known for their sailing skills, and are said to have traveled to the British Isles, which they called the “Tin Islands”. Perhaps, before Ireland was a Celtic domain, which it wasn’t until a few centuries BCE, the Phoenicians colonized it. It is noteworthy that the name Fomorians sounds a bit like Phoenicians.

There is also a legend that an Egyptian princess, Scota, left Egypt with some followers and journeyed to Ireland. Legend has it that Egyptians left many ancient tin mines all over Britain but especially Ireland which was their major source of the valuable metal.

Another idea is that they were Taureg Berbers. The Berber language is Hamitic, and the Berber people live in an area from which travel to Ireland would be easily accessible. The Berbers perhaps set sail from western Morocco, and settled on Ireland before the Celts, making it their new home.

Moorish Science Temple founder Drew Ali teaches that Ireland was once part of a Moorish empire, and that the Irish are a Moorish people. Perhaps there is a common root between the “moor” sound in Fomor and the word Moor?

Selkies and Half-Breeds

Another Irish legend tells of the Selkies, a sort-of “wereseal” that is a seal during day, but a human by nightfall. Sometimes, in an Irish family of fair-skinned, light-haired people, a child is born with dark hair eyes, and skin, and is called a Selkie.

The concept of the Selkies appears to make subliminal reference to the half-breed children that resulted from the extensive miscegenation that occurred between the Celts and the dark skinned original inhabitants that they had met upon their arrival in Ireland.

Many people of Irish descent have distant and recent African roots, and these features can still be seen in the people and in the culture. There are some Irish people with Afros (just like Andre the Giant a late continental European wrestler with afro-hair). In Southern Ireland, some people, referred to as “Black Irish”, are noted for their strikingly dark features, as opposed to the fair-skinned, light-haired north.

Although many Irish descendants are particularly pale, they do have pronounced Africoid facial features, as well as dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair that is sort-of kinky, especially in moist conditions. A sub race of the Irish called the Bronn are noticeably Mediterranean (read: African) in features especially their hair.

In addition to all of this, Celtic music is distinctly different from the rest of Europe, and easily comparable to African music.

Black, Viking and Irish

Unlike Scotland and England, Ireland was never colonized by the Romans. As a result, Ireland remained relatively isolated.

The Vikings established port cities like Dublin. The Viking texts left stories and descriptions of African soldiers captured in Ireland whom they called blaumen[blue-men].

Most Viking references to ”black” in Norse would have signified having black hair as opposed to skin color but blaumen meant black skinned. Most of these blaumen were captured soliders from Moorish Spain. It was observed that:

“A prominent Viking of the eleventh century was Thorhall, who was aboard the ship that carried the early Vikings to the shores of North America. Thorhall was “the huntsman in summer, and in winter the steward of Eric the Red. He was, it is said, a large man, and strong, black, and like a giant, silent, and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Eric to the worst; he was a bad Christian.””

“Another Viking, more notable than Thorhall, was Earl Thorfinn, “the most distinguished of all the earls in the Islands.” Thorfinn ruled over nine earldoms in Scotland and Ireland, and died at the age of seventy-five. His widow married the king of Scotland. Thorfinn was described as “one of the largest men in point of stature, and ugly, sharp featured, and somewhat tawny, and the most martial looking man… It has been related that he was the foremost of all his men.””

What about Scotland and Wales?

“Any comprehensive account of the African presence in early Europe should include England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Scandinavia. The history and legends of Scotland confirm the existence of “purely Black people.” We see one of them in the person of Kenneth the Niger. During the tenth century Kenneth the Niger ruled over three provinces in the Scottish Highlands.

The historical and literary traditions of Wales reflect similar beliefs. According to Gwyn Jones (perhaps the world’s leading authority on the subject), to the Welsh chroniclers, “The Danes coming in by way of England and the Norwegians by way of Ireland were pretty well all black: Black Gentiles, Black Norsemen, Black Host.””

Ogu Eji Ofo Annu


Ancient And Modern Britons, by David Mac Ritchie
Nature Knows No Color-Line, by J.A. Rogers

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487 thoughts on “African Roots of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu”

  1. Racist

    There is nothing like a caucasian race. Go check your history properly, `the Colchians, the people that settled the caucasian regions were black men with curly hair. Herodotus the father of western history confirmed this several times in his book The History. The Russians of today still refer to the people of caucasus like the Chechenyans as Blacks because they more than any other Europeans understand the origin of those people.

    Human autosomal differentiation cannot be compared with different breeds of dogs. A more fitting analogy for the difference between the people of Europe and Africa could be found in the comparision of different colours of the same breed of dogs. There are dark sheep dogs and there are light coloured sheep dogs. But they are all dogs.

    Actually, western Europe was the last piece of God’s real estate to receive enlightenment. Until 500 years ago, the entire western Europe had been a historical and scientific backwater of ignorance and superstition. Until Blacks from Africa under the banners of Islam built Universities in Spain, and in the southern coast of Italy and civilized their pale brothers of western Europe who later bit the hands that fed them.

    Thousands of years before there was one University in Europe, there were hundreds of Universities in Africa spread out from Kemit, through Kush to Timbuctu.

    These schools laid down the legacies of scientific and cultural knowledge that your little pale racist ass seeks to mis-appropriate.

    Astronomy, engineering, navigational sciences, medicine, arts, music, government, city building, chemistry etc, are all the gifts of Africa to mankind.

    If I may help your mind, the word “chemistry” or “kemites-try” pays tribute to the Black Anu kemites of Sudan and Egypt who gave this science to the world.

    The ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs (coloured people by the way), all acknowledged their indebtedness to Africa and its Black inhabitants for their origin and all their knowledge.

    Meanwhile your ancestors who lived at the edge of the known world, were busy fornicating, killing and ravaging like some of their racist barely civilized modern descendants are still doing today. Not one positive contribution to world progress except destruction, hubris and lies.

    Your ancestors were known by the civilized world as Vandals (I trust you know the meaning), Goremen (blood thirsty), Slavs (perpetual serfs), Barbarians (read up Roman and Greek documents) Teutons, Goths and Devil worshippers.

    They lived in caves, ran butt naked in cold, and had no friends except the dogs.

    They contributed neither to the development of science nor culture. They were despised of all self respecting people. They were full of shame and bitterness and hence your residual racist anger, jealousy and spite against Black Africans the descendants of the illustrious Ethiopians. Your ancestors continued in this manner until 1400 AD when like the pale-plague they descended on the civilized peoples of Africa who lived in light and love, whose borders started from the mediterranean coasts right to the West coast of Africa.

    Today the tables may appear to be turned, but what goes around comes around.

    Adolf Hitler your racist god so desperately sought proof of the achivements of his Barbarian ancestors as confirmation of his stupid pale superiority theory. He commissioned European archealogists to search the enitre European land mass for evidence of that historical superiority. They came up with nothing! Does that ring a bell for you?

    Egypt is not in Europe, it is in Africa. The debate ended last century. Egypt is Black as it comes. Up till today, northern Egypt is predominantly Black. You should go see for your self.

    The present pale skin Arabs and Turks who predominate in the Delta region today are descendants of 7th century AD and 15th century AD invaders. By then ancient Egypt had long gone. Go check your history little apish racist.

    Sahara desert was never a barrier in Africa. It was a barrier to the foreign invaders but not to Africans. In the Sahara desert, one finds trans-Saharan highways that have existed ever since pre-history. The routes of today’s trans-saharan motor races are the same routes established by Black Africans thousands of years back.

    Are you not aware that the Pharoahs were in constant touch with the San and Khoi tribes of central Africa. That tribe typically provided the King of Egypt with spiritual protection. Egyptian documents contains narratives of the Sans and Khois from inner Africa who kept the King safe from spiritual attacks.

    The Ethiopians were Blacks, the Puntites were Blacks, the Libyans were Blacks, the Canaanites were Blacks these nations were the neighbours of the Egyptians and some of them like the Puntites gave rise to the Egyptians. Are you not aware?

    There are are many pyramids in Sudan built by the Sudanese and there are a few pyramids in Ethiopia also. I suppose the mythological caucasians built these?

    Are you not aware of the Bedouins of Africa who live in the middle of the sahara as their natural haunts?

    I am certain you have not heard of the Blemmys, the Fulanis, the Tuaregs, and the Buzus, who have lived in the Sahara since time immemorial. Go do a little goggle search and you will understand.

    Today, the plague afflicts Africa. And it has sought to restrict the Black man’s access to education, science and technology. You never heard of the apartheid policy of South Africa I suppose which prevented Black South Africans from pursuing scientific studies? And you never realized that this policy was a British/European developed policy which has been in place since the last 500 years of west European global rise?

    And you never rationalized that this policy was there because the pale plague is afraid that of the superior quality of the Black African intelligence? Realizing that those were the builders of the pyramids, the pale barbarian conquerors clearly understood that only the degradation of the Black man could ensure the persistence of their world system. So consequent upon the destruction of Black man’s kingdom, access to education and the higher arts was severly resticted.

    My pale white racist fool, your mind is unable to deduce that the Black man’s problem today is a socio-economic blockade and not congential.

    But why bother, you are a fool like you just demonstrated. And a hate filled fool for that matter.

    To round up, I must remind you that all those people that ever conquered western Europe like the Romans, the Greeks, and the Black African Moors, were all struck by the singular inertia and stupidity of the mind of the pale-skinned western Europeans. Go read their accounts. Do a goggle search. Use your local library. You will learn that what goes around will come around.

    “From Africa, something new always comes forth…” this was the idioms of the ancient Romans.


    1. I’m looking a Tahrir square protests… And they look typically Middle Eastern. Populations are remarkably static. You might be on more solid ground by pointing out that Sadat was black. There’s no reason to suppose that a variety of Egyptian Dynasties were actually blacks. One thing that distinguishes Egypt is it is a boringly regular place that has been more or less the same for 5000 years. Every year it floods blah blah blah…every 500 years someone rolls in on a Tank, gunboat, horse or chariot to set up a new regime. The people there just endure the mid millenium disturbances.

  2. Barbarian Racist

    Hear Jahdey loud and clear and quiver!!! You and every racist fool like yourself are not worth the shoe lace on my feet.

    You own what? You are just one little mongrel serf manipulated by a wicked system which has blinded you with some racist ideology to give you a sense of importance.

    You own what? You are one poverty stricken working class serf barely able to pay for the shirt on your back. You own only your consumer debts which you can barely keep up with; and delusions of grandeur which will accompany you to an early grave.

    The ruling class of the western world does not give a damn about your pale-skin arse. You are just another cog in the capitalist wheel.

    You don’t own your life, you don’t own your job, you don’t own the house you live in…you are just a tool of an evil system which keeps you on the side line hating strong and beautiful black Africans.

    Keep on the foolishness. Fan the hatred. Only your own soul will be corroded in the end.

    The west is the product of Africans Black and Pale. Have no doubt on that. There were black slaves, but yet there were also white slaves.

    White serfdom (slavery) continued on for much longer than trans-atlantic enslavement of the Africans.

    There are pale-skin upper class, there are dark skin upper class. They all exploit the lower working class whatever your colour.

    So, take my advise, cease your hateful ways. Seek the common emancipation of mankind or remain the disaffected wretch that you are.

    Go read the other sections of this Rastalive Wire site for the upliftment of your mind. Search your libraries, and research the internet. Do so with an open mind and you will save your pale-arse from the coming judgement of fire otherwise called Global warming.

    Again, who the cap fits, let him wear it.


  3. BOBO,

    Yes we Celts are Aryans. The word “Eireann” derives from Aryan.

    It is hilarious that Blacks want to claim that they started civilization.

    The ancient Israelites are discribed in the Bible as “Ruddy” “White” and “fair”. (Genesis 12:11, Genesis 12:14, 1 Samuel 16:12, 1 Samuel 17:42, 2 Samuel 14:27, Song of Solomon 5:10, Lamentations 4:7).

    1. The problem with etymology is demonstrated here: Eire, Eireann is the Irish name for themselves. It sounds closely like Aryan.

      Formorian, sounds closely like Phonecian.

      Yet both are absolutely false eymologies. The Phoenician did not call themselves
      Phoenician. Phoenician is the Greek word for The purple dye the sailors from Tyre, Sidon etc etc sold. There’s no evidence they saw themselves as a people.

      Eireann has no relationship to Aryan, a people in Iran/ India.

      Please stop the mythopoetic speculation.

      The pseudo etymologies are apauling.

  4. In fact, the Hebrew word translated as “man” is Awdawm (Adam) means “To flush or turn rosy; to show blood in the face” (Strong’s Hebrew Lexicon).

  5. I find it interesting that this debate has gone on for so long. The racism on both sides is discouraging to say the least, but I just have a few simple requests.

    Instead of going off in a blind rage tearing down each other’s views with harsh words, could we keep this a tad more scholarly, please?

    After all, I always find a work more believable when it is unaffected by the writer’s personal feelings. Also, most people will stop reading after the first paragraph when it is obvious the writer is on a rampage because of something someone else wrote… anyway, that’s what happened to me.

    I’d also like to see better citations, so that I can trace the facts that are being presented more easily.

    Lastly, the crazed racist comments should simply be ignored… that’s what I’ve done throughout this whole forum.

    Attempting to respond to a clearly racist comment is not only futile, but it is also a waste of time; you could be solidifying your own point instead.

    I view this forum as a great tool to hear from both sides of the argument; that’s what is great about modern technology.

    Let’s make the most of it and not let the conversation deteriorate into a childish mudslinging contest.


  6. Very good conversation. One of the most racially mixed people on earth are the Chinese, along with the Japanese and Koreans.

    Chinese have the two major African genes; ‘M’ and ‘Cde’

    M gene spread from Congo to West Africa to the Levant.

    Cde spread from South Africa to Central Africa to East Africa, Egypt, India, Pakistan, SE Asia, China, Japan, Siberia. Cde gene is also found in Navajo Indians at an amount of about 20 – 30 percent.

    Chinese have the Cde gene as well as the facial features of the ORIGINAL CARRIERS OF THE ‘Cde’ gene — THE ‘Kong-San’ Bushman of South Africa who once occupied from South Africa to Scandinavia and from Ireland all the way to Siberia. Apparently, they were also in the America.

    As for races, (Scientific American) recent data shows that as far as genes go, the ‘alu’ in the chromosomes is the most important factor in showing human relatedness, REGARDLESS OF SKIN COLOR AND OTHER OUTWARD FACTORS.

    For example, All humans have the dominant African alu at amounts over 50 percent. That ‘alu’ is ‘alu a’ see

    Read, “A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming,” and “Susu Economics,” )

    Alu 7 is found in 95 percent of Africans/Blacks.

    Alu 2 is found in 5 percent of Africans

    Alu 7 is found in 75 percent of Europeans and 60 percent of Asians

    the people between Southern Europe to Northern India/Pakistan have a large mixture of alu 7 and alu 2.

    Alu 7 is the African chromosome

    Alu 2 comes from a European source.

    So, based on the genes alone, humans have a predominant amount of African genes.

    As for apes having light skin and being hairy. Africa has pygmies as well, some are ‘reddishbrown’ and have hairy bodies.

    Keep in mind that the ‘Negro-Australoid’ type found in South India and Australia came originally from the ‘wet’ sahara and East Africa about 60,000 years or so, when the Sahara was covered by an inland sea, a gigantic forest and a very rainy tropical region.


    The Kong-San in Southern Africa’s very dry and cold highlands maintained kinky hair but their skins are yellowish-brown in the highlands and darkbrown in the flatlands.

    All ethnic group in South Africa have members with ‘slanting’ eyes (epicantus fold ) due to adaptation to the climate — BUT THEN AGAIN, HUMANS HAVE BEEN IN SOUTH AND EAST AFRICA FOR OVER 1,000,000 (ONE MILLION YEARS)

    If humans did come from apes like chimpanzees or bonobos — keep in mind that ‘bonobo’ chimps are the closest to humans. Bonobos are darkskinned apes. Chimpanzees are also close to humans, some are pale, some are dark. Gorillas are usually dark, except for the ‘albino gorilla’ snowflake shown in National Geographic magazine – which shows how the genetic mutation to pale skin actually originated.

    Gorilla ‘fair’ skin is not really fair. It is more of a yellowish-brown complection.

    The ‘SNOW MONKIES’ of Japan, however, have very fair, pale/pinkish faces, and very hairy bodies, they also spend lots of time in water dipping in the hot streams and some dip potatoes in the water and eat them. Monkies in Africa also living near the sea dip potatoes in the salty sea water and eat them, and love the taste.

    The type of pinkish/pale skinned European we see today (and also some people in Northern Asia ) are recent mutations. That type of skin color is a result of living in caverns or being totally isolated from sunlight.

    In like manner it is a fact that one will find in caves, pink crabs, pink frogs, pink and blind creatures.

    So, in retrospect, humans could not have began as fairskinned. Humans did not isolate themselves to one type of environment. Prehistoric humans lived in the savannah, the forests, the seaside, the hills, the vallies, and some in the mountains and highlands. Flatlanders under direct sunlight in Africa are usually darker. Highlanders and those living in places like the forests and southern part of the continent or highlands are sometimes lighter.

    Therefore, Since Africa was blessed with direct overhead sunlight, Africans/Blacks came out of the environments where sunlight contributed to maintaining a Black/brown Negro people, with features suitable for living in a very hot and dry or very hot and humid environment, or a very hot/dry cold highland environment (South African Kong-San, Ethiopic/East Africans)

    As for ‘Ethiopians’ and ‘Somalis’ looking ‘Caucasian.’


    In fact, the ancient Kong-San, Pygmies, East African Negro (including Ethiopian and Somali) all migrated to India when Europe was covered in ice. From India, some migrated westward to Europe and then to Turkey and Northern China.

    Others migrated to Southern India, Southern China, SE Asia, Melanesia, Australia and New Zealand (before the Polynesians arrived in New Zealand, there were Black tribes there).

  7. Ireland I have been informed by creation historian Darrell K white was descovered 140 years after the flood in 2208 BC and there were hunter gatherers in Northwest Eorope at this time but did not colonise Ireland as Partholan was the first two witnesses Plus. Ciocal son of Niel refured to by some writers descovered Ireland with his band od mesolithic industry hunter gatherers who infrequently camped in Ireland before the battle of Magithe in 2025 BC when they the formorians returned to Ireland to hunt and fish they found Partholan already there so conflict broke out immediately. It is interesting to note inthis connection that the Azzilians came from North Africa combined with the Maglemosian/Tardenoisian flint industries although the mesolithic peoples made extensive use of bone and reindeer horn so in this connection it would be wise for us to stay with the original historic research. JohnHXF Author

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