African Roots of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu

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The Fomorians

There are many oblique references to the presence of Black people in ancient Ireland. Ancient Irish mythology refers to the original inhabitants of the island as being a giant, sea-faring people called the Fomorians (Fomors), which means “dark of the sea”. According to the ancient lore, they were a cushitic people from the African continent. Often depicted as demons, they defeated the first few incoming waves of invaders, but could not defeat the Firbolgs, who settled the land and lived side-by-side with the native Fomors.

Those myths may have a factual historical basis. It is proposed that the Formorians were a real people who were in all likelihood sailors from the African continent.

Two more invasions, the first led by the godly Tuatha de Danaan, and the second by the Celtic Milesians, took control of Ireland, mixing together with the Fomorians until they were no more.

There are credible sources for the African association with Ireland. The most likely of these is that they were Phoenicians and/or Egyptians. The Phoenicians were Canaanites, which came from the line of Ham. Ham is the mythological ancestor of the Black nation.

The Phoenicians were also well-known for their sailing skills, and are said to have traveled to the British Isles, which they called the “Tin Islands”. Perhaps, before Ireland was a Celtic domain, which it wasn’t until a few centuries BCE, the Phoenicians colonized it. It is noteworthy that the name Fomorians sounds a bit like Phoenicians.

There is also a legend that an Egyptian princess, Scota, left Egypt with some followers and journeyed to Ireland. Legend has it that Egyptians left many ancient tin mines all over Britain but especially Ireland which was their major source of the valuable metal.

Another idea is that they were Taureg Berbers. The Berber language is Hamitic, and the Berber people live in an area from which travel to Ireland would be easily accessible. The Berbers perhaps set sail from western Morocco, and settled on Ireland before the Celts, making it their new home.

Moorish Science Temple founder Drew Ali teaches that Ireland was once part of a Moorish empire, and that the Irish are a Moorish people. Perhaps there is a common root between the “moor” sound in Fomor and the word Moor?

Selkies and Half-Breeds

Another Irish legend tells of the Selkies, a sort-of “wereseal” that is a seal during day, but a human by nightfall. Sometimes, in an Irish family of fair-skinned, light-haired people, a child is born with dark hair eyes, and skin, and is called a Selkie.

The concept of the Selkies appears to make subliminal reference to the half-breed children that resulted from the extensive miscegenation that occurred between the Celts and the dark skinned original inhabitants that they had met upon their arrival in Ireland.

Many people of Irish descent have distant and recent African roots, and these features can still be seen in the people and in the culture. There are some Irish people with Afros (just like Andre the Giant a late continental European wrestler with afro-hair). In Southern Ireland, some people, referred to as “Black Irish”, are noted for their strikingly dark features, as opposed to the fair-skinned, light-haired north.

Although many Irish descendants are particularly pale, they do have pronounced Africoid facial features, as well as dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair that is sort-of kinky, especially in moist conditions. A sub race of the Irish called the Bronn are noticeably Mediterranean (read: African) in features especially their hair.

In addition to all of this, Celtic music is distinctly different from the rest of Europe, and easily comparable to African music.

Black, Viking and Irish

Unlike Scotland and England, Ireland was never colonized by the Romans. As a result, Ireland remained relatively isolated.

The Vikings established port cities like Dublin. The Viking texts left stories and descriptions of African soldiers captured in Ireland whom they called blaumen[blue-men].

Most Viking references to ”black” in Norse would have signified having black hair as opposed to skin color but blaumen meant black skinned. Most of these blaumen were captured soliders from Moorish Spain. It was observed that:

“A prominent Viking of the eleventh century was Thorhall, who was aboard the ship that carried the early Vikings to the shores of North America. Thorhall was “the huntsman in summer, and in winter the steward of Eric the Red. He was, it is said, a large man, and strong, black, and like a giant, silent, and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Eric to the worst; he was a bad Christian.””

“Another Viking, more notable than Thorhall, was Earl Thorfinn, “the most distinguished of all the earls in the Islands.” Thorfinn ruled over nine earldoms in Scotland and Ireland, and died at the age of seventy-five. His widow married the king of Scotland. Thorfinn was described as “one of the largest men in point of stature, and ugly, sharp featured, and somewhat tawny, and the most martial looking man… It has been related that he was the foremost of all his men.””

What about Scotland and Wales?

“Any comprehensive account of the African presence in early Europe should include England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Scandinavia. The history and legends of Scotland confirm the existence of “purely Black people.” We see one of them in the person of Kenneth the Niger. During the tenth century Kenneth the Niger ruled over three provinces in the Scottish Highlands.

The historical and literary traditions of Wales reflect similar beliefs. According to Gwyn Jones (perhaps the world’s leading authority on the subject), to the Welsh chroniclers, “The Danes coming in by way of England and the Norwegians by way of Ireland were pretty well all black: Black Gentiles, Black Norsemen, Black Host.””

Ogu Eji Ofo Annu


Ancient And Modern Britons, by David Mac Ritchie
Nature Knows No Color-Line, by J.A. Rogers

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487 thoughts on “African Roots of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu”

  1. wow i have no idea what you are talking about i just clicked on a link of a picture of evonne goolagong and there is a hole bunch of black irish american people talk

  2. Interesting. My mom, a Shropshire, had black hair that would stand up on its own and olive skn. My hair, at age 64, is still natural blonde, my skin sort of olive and my eyes green. So far do not have any natural blonde descendents (granchildren). Where did the blonde come from?? I am really it in my family.

    My roots, I heard, are Scottish-Irish, Welsh, German, Italian, Does not really matter to me what my roots are. It is kind of like astrology. How can you take apart the puzzle in order to undestand it better? Makes no sense. We are what we are now. Reincarnation is another puzzle that I feel is a diversion away from the reality of now. So what? Who cares? What does it have to do with the price of eggs in China?

  3. Having had some influence to not trust blacks when small, I eventually grew to understand this was wrong so I got up and gave a black lady my seat at the front of the bus when the sign up front said, “Colored To The Rear.” And during the lunchroom sit-ins in NC I could understand the why of it. They were attempting to right a wrong and I felt it was about time.

    I have, though, suffered through the years at the hands of blacks because of the general concensus that others thought they were inferior, therefore as I was white I was seen as a potential enemy. Then I was thinking, “A lot of good has happened for blacks since MLK!” And it has! This was good.

    Now, the racism wants to creep back in, flare up again and tear down what has transpired over the last 200 or so years, as if it never happened. Finally figured out that it was the rebel rousers preaching hatred and racism for injustices that happened a very long time ago. Guess that was a good way for them to cause division, to take power where they should not have it. That is all it is, a power play.

    I really believe we were doing fine with our problems until the outsiders came along and wanted to take power. They will do anything to cause unrest and division, therefore we are more easily conquered – black, white, yellow, red, no matter. We are all human beings and those that only want power are willing to divide us and take us over. Notice I said us, which for me means US or The United States of America. We are all in this together.

  4. Jahdey,

    Eddy3957, fixing his gaze down upon the little man before him, hand extended and pointing at Jahdey:

    “After skimming some of your comments here, it’s obvious that you Jahdey are one REALLY hate filled character.”

    With compassion for the wretched among us, characteristic of normal people, Eddy3957 goes no further.

  5. There are people who say the Neanderthals never reached Scotland. It can however be shown that Egypt was founded by Menes (Misraem ) in 2189 /2188 BC and my current research shows that Cichol Gricenchos (A son of Sidon ) started his fishing industry in the North of Scotland in 2225 BC 200 yrs before the Battle of Magithe in Ireland under Partholan and these people the formores or Picts were in actual fact huntergatherers of the “Palaeolithic”. They were according to the evidense Neanderthals and contrary to popular oppinion addopted Neolithic civilization in 2189 BC two yrs after Babel despersion (2191 BC) . These dates are backed by the ancient chroniclers. Thus the secular or standard chronology for Egypt of ca 3215 BC is a perfect match for the Ussherian timeline of 2189/2188 BC contemporay with the founding of Egypt. For this and other information please visit my website at

  6. With all due respect, John, that date for the “founding” of Egypt is preposterous and is based on the archaic Christian notion that the world is little more than 6,000 years old. Whatever proof you’ve cobbled together for that date has some seeeeeeeerious holes in it.

  7. WOW! This post has been going on for 3 years! It has taken me a hour to read most of these posts and I am astonished by the varied and large amount of opinions, facts, misinformation and ideological rhetoric.
    I am teacher of Scandinavian studies and specialist in Bronze Age history.
    Point 1: There were NO black Viking kings! The first official king of Norway and Sweden were King Haarald Hardrotta (sp) and King Gustav Vasa I. Norway and Swedens nationalism started around the 16th century. I can guarantee that these two men were not “blomen” (blue men). Prior to these two men nationalizing Norway and Sweden there were many smaller chieftains.
    Point 2: Long Viking history short…. Norse from Norway sailed towards Scotland(Isle of Man, Orkney Isle), England AND Ireland on their way to the Faeroe Island, Iceland, Greenland and North America. Norse from Sweden sailed eastward into Finland, western Russia to the Black Sea and into Turkey. For the curious look up who the Variagian Guards were and their relationship with the Emperor of the Byzantine. Rus/Swedish Norseman often served the Emperor of Byzantine for 18 years. So, of course they would have known about North Africa and the Moorse. They traded with them heavely. In Birka,Sweden, Helgo Norway and Gotland there is archeological finds of “hoards” with North African and Arab coins. It was very common for a Norse woman to wear these coins as jewelry and as sign of wealth. Did the Norse marry North Africans or Arabs. There is no record in the Sagas, Eddas or the Book of Names (Iceland)of them doing so but they would have encouraged and invited them to travel with them. They do have a name for people they look down upon and that is “skraeling.” In all the records there is no reference of this name being applied to North Africans or Arabs. In fact the Norse prized the knowledge of the Arabs and the North Africans. THAT ladies and gentlemen is in the records.
    Point 3: Basic Bronze Age History 101- The Bronze Age in Europe, and I am focusing on Europe in this post, first started in 4th Millinium B.C. and continued well into the Iron Age. I would recommend that you all look up the Amber Road. This trade route started in the Baltic and Northern Germany and went all the way down into North Africa and Egypt. Baltic Amber has been discovered in Early Egyptian pharaohs tombs, most notably King Tuts. Bronze has been found as far north as the Scandinavian countries and as far west as Ireland.
    How is Bronze made? This is an interesting look on trade. Bronze is made in two ways. 1. Copper and Tin or 2. Copper and Zinc. Now there is a 3rd which copper and arsnic but that is only found in Russia/Ukraine. Where is copper mined during the Bronze Age? It was mined in three places….. 1. Germany/Baltics 2. The Ukraine mountains most noteably in the Carpathian mts.. 3. Ireland. Where is tin mined? Two places; 1. Britian (Joseph of Aramathia owned tin mines in England…hmmmm) 2. Ireland.
    Now Ladies and Gentlemen.. this is a very generalized and brief history lesson on the Bronze Age. But, the development of bronze significantly altered the face of Europe and trade. Yes, it is very very possible that African’s found there way to Ireland. How else would you secure the mines for trade? Ireland was also the center of trade for the Vikings going to Iceland. Vikings were known to create names based of physical appearance, ie Harrald Bluetooth…family lineage and points of origin ie Dyrfinn (beloved one from Finland-a Saami reference). Could Africans make to Ireland.. yes. Are they the foundations for Irish culture… doubtful. Otherwise the Norse would have mentioned them in their writings.
    Now, when I have taught the Renaissance Period in school there is a lot of references of Spanish/Moorish survivors of the Spanish Armada that made it to Southern Ireland. Isn’t that the real source of the “Black Irish?”
    Who knows… as the Genome project continues to grow and the data base grows larger… we may find that WE all were originally from a planet called Caprica and we are actually part Cylon.

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