African Roots of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu

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The Fomorians

There are many oblique references to the presence of Black people in ancient Ireland. Ancient Irish mythology refers to the original inhabitants of the island as being a giant, sea-faring people called the Fomorians (Fomors), which means “dark of the sea”. According to the ancient lore, they were a cushitic people from the African continent. Often depicted as demons, they defeated the first few incoming waves of invaders, but could not defeat the Firbolgs, who settled the land and lived side-by-side with the native Fomors.

Those myths may have a factual historical basis. It is proposed that the Formorians were a real people who were in all likelihood sailors from the African continent.

Two more invasions, the first led by the godly Tuatha de Danaan, and the second by the Celtic Milesians, took control of Ireland, mixing together with the Fomorians until they were no more.

There are credible sources for the African association with Ireland. The most likely of these is that they were Phoenicians and/or Egyptians. The Phoenicians were Canaanites, which came from the line of Ham. Ham is the mythological ancestor of the Black nation.

The Phoenicians were also well-known for their sailing skills, and are said to have traveled to the British Isles, which they called the “Tin Islands”. Perhaps, before Ireland was a Celtic domain, which it wasn’t until a few centuries BCE, the Phoenicians colonized it. It is noteworthy that the name Fomorians sounds a bit like Phoenicians.

There is also a legend that an Egyptian princess, Scota, left Egypt with some followers and journeyed to Ireland. Legend has it that Egyptians left many ancient tin mines all over Britain but especially Ireland which was their major source of the valuable metal.

Another idea is that they were Taureg Berbers. The Berber language is Hamitic, and the Berber people live in an area from which travel to Ireland would be easily accessible. The Berbers perhaps set sail from western Morocco, and settled on Ireland before the Celts, making it their new home.

Moorish Science Temple founder Drew Ali teaches that Ireland was once part of a Moorish empire, and that the Irish are a Moorish people. Perhaps there is a common root between the “moor” sound in Fomor and the word Moor?

Selkies and Half-Breeds

Another Irish legend tells of the Selkies, a sort-of “wereseal” that is a seal during day, but a human by nightfall. Sometimes, in an Irish family of fair-skinned, light-haired people, a child is born with dark hair eyes, and skin, and is called a Selkie.

The concept of the Selkies appears to make subliminal reference to the half-breed children that resulted from the extensive miscegenation that occurred between the Celts and the dark skinned original inhabitants that they had met upon their arrival in Ireland.

Many people of Irish descent have distant and recent African roots, and these features can still be seen in the people and in the culture. There are some Irish people with Afros (just like Andre the Giant a late continental European wrestler with afro-hair). In Southern Ireland, some people, referred to as “Black Irish”, are noted for their strikingly dark features, as opposed to the fair-skinned, light-haired north.

Although many Irish descendants are particularly pale, they do have pronounced Africoid facial features, as well as dark brown eyes, and dark brown hair that is sort-of kinky, especially in moist conditions. A sub race of the Irish called the Bronn are noticeably Mediterranean (read: African) in features especially their hair.

In addition to all of this, Celtic music is distinctly different from the rest of Europe, and easily comparable to African music.

Black, Viking and Irish

Unlike Scotland and England, Ireland was never colonized by the Romans. As a result, Ireland remained relatively isolated.

The Vikings established port cities like Dublin. The Viking texts left stories and descriptions of African soldiers captured in Ireland whom they called blaumen[blue-men].

Most Viking references to ”black” in Norse would have signified having black hair as opposed to skin color but blaumen meant black skinned. Most of these blaumen were captured soliders from Moorish Spain. It was observed that:

“A prominent Viking of the eleventh century was Thorhall, who was aboard the ship that carried the early Vikings to the shores of North America. Thorhall was “the huntsman in summer, and in winter the steward of Eric the Red. He was, it is said, a large man, and strong, black, and like a giant, silent, and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Eric to the worst; he was a bad Christian.””

“Another Viking, more notable than Thorhall, was Earl Thorfinn, “the most distinguished of all the earls in the Islands.” Thorfinn ruled over nine earldoms in Scotland and Ireland, and died at the age of seventy-five. His widow married the king of Scotland. Thorfinn was described as “one of the largest men in point of stature, and ugly, sharp featured, and somewhat tawny, and the most martial looking man… It has been related that he was the foremost of all his men.””

What about Scotland and Wales?

“Any comprehensive account of the African presence in early Europe should include England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Scandinavia. The history and legends of Scotland confirm the existence of “purely Black people.” We see one of them in the person of Kenneth the Niger. During the tenth century Kenneth the Niger ruled over three provinces in the Scottish Highlands.

The historical and literary traditions of Wales reflect similar beliefs. According to Gwyn Jones (perhaps the world’s leading authority on the subject), to the Welsh chroniclers, “The Danes coming in by way of England and the Norwegians by way of Ireland were pretty well all black: Black Gentiles, Black Norsemen, Black Host.””

Ogu Eji Ofo Annu


Ancient And Modern Britons, by David Mac Ritchie
Nature Knows No Color-Line, by J.A. Rogers

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487 thoughts on “African Roots of Ireland – Oguejiofo Annu”

  1. Thank u Dana for a run down of HUEMAN history that we 3 rd eyers already know any variation of any word still points back to the darker hue of black the color original man and woman were. So evidently no so-called white wants to recognize what they really are. And every explanation of where yall come from has been side-wiped with some even sillier. So what adaptation has your skin gone through but have lost it’s color? What you are talking about is everyone on this planet are brothers & sister but you or shall i say mutant albino ,non-HUEMAN, leper CAGOT being.We know u. We see you in your full glory. Twisters of the truth of your beginnings. You know what you are.So thank u for the run down on me. Now research LEPEROSY with so much gusto since u are all in the HUEMAN mix.
    But enough of this madness. Everything the now cagots have said is about the original people that are still here we are the indigenous in every part of the world. the word Naga , Nigger pronounced just i said, has been a deliberate attempt to fool the rightful owners of North, South, East & West to make us forget who we are Huemans not Black, not african-american,colored, none of this fits royalty. It’s dirty CAGOT names.We are every people that was her before the arrival of death, the so- called white clan. The mutated akebu-lan leper. It’s all been a change the name trick,started by cagots to get back at the blessed melanin rich tribes title holders to the land. We have a new quest, to regain our lands stolen by trickery. We the real proper Hueman, or shall i refer to us as indigenious,or” the Black Indians” the real are the colored tribes the rest are cagots attempt to assimilate into us. It’s time to disolve.
    We Huemans are entitled to a large settlement they the gov. knows it can’t pay. It’s called REDEMPTION. Third eyers check out ACCEPTED FOR VALUE, STRUCTURE OF THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE, MARRIAGE LICENSE, & FIAT MONEY for the dupe. File your UCC and get out of here. Our time is running out we have to do EXODUS one more time. Leave with some assets ain’t no money. Then we we family get back together we’ll figure out where we belong. The whites, mutant albinos, have killed our Mother Earth we have to get back home to the beginning AKEBU-LAN all colored race, only one race now , only one race in the beginning 2012.And don’t get comfortable writing the word NIGGER because u can never be one any way u pronounce it. Peace & redemption to all

  2. Only a foolish Person who does not know that the world Nigger is, would want to use it as an insulting word. The world is missed us mainly by uneducated Europeans and the rest of the uneducated people of the world followed. Nigger is missed pronounce, Niger is a place in west Africa near Nigeria West Africa, THIS WORLD ALSO MEAN black in Latin and other mixed race countries like Spain,Portugal, Italy. i say mix because they where ruled by Africans for thousands of years by Africans. The world Schwartz in Germany also mean black, in India it is Kala, so are you going to start using these words to try and insult too? don’t be stupid. It.s a world like we say white. and not all blacks are Niggers as you guys put. Indian, Arabs, are Blacks why not call them Nigger too?, in AFRICA FOR all you uneducated people, we have vast amount of different people. Arabs in Sudan, Niggers as you would like to call them in (Niger,s) in Parts of the west, Zulu in the South. so my friend we are not all niggers because we don’t all come from the Niger Delta, what you call Niggers, please understand before you speak . the only Reason you don’t want the true is because you don’t want it and you want to continue you bullshit MY friend all great nation must come to an end. Your started from 1450 Portuguese entering Africa and brought the rest of Europe with them for that party. to date about 600 years. Africans great nation as being on going since the creation of man, minus the 600 years that you had a ago at it but could not sustain it, so you want to hand it back to the Africans. this must be really frightening for you. Any thing that you can bring to the table to try and discredit, WHAT IS BEEN SAID. We have the proof, yours is only speculation none factual. Your lies about African is coming to an end prepare your self you are about to get revealed. how can you have so much hatred you must feel small when you see us Africans, in your heart you are muttering Niggers under your breath , but there is nothing that you can do about it. Because those niggers are stronger than you, you must feel as sick a parrot. And to think that for the rest of your life you have to carry the burden with you, how sad you are?. It okay we don’t want revenge, so don’t worry we just want to set the record straight.

    Have you not seeing the film with Bruce willis where is tell the Italians how is he African because that is what happen Hollywood know why don’t.

    Man in the Mirrow

  3. I think there is the general misconception that “dark” refers to race. It does not and as any student of irish knows, the word dark is often used in synonym with the devil or evil. Translated directly from irish the word for negroes is blue man

  4. It is so obvious that if some white people are not being embellished and regarded as superior where history is concerned, then it is lies, deceit, claiming someone elses’ history and so forth. But what some of them fail to realize is that they do most of the lieing. They claim they are so sick and tired of black peoples’ cries over slavery and black peoples’ accusation of white people rewriting history, however, they will never tell a Jew to stop making the world remember the Holocaust.

    In truth they are hypocrits because white women during slavery were lied to by their own white men–putting her on a pedestal, showing her off to the world that she was the best thing ever created. Yet later that night, he would slip out the back door and sleep with the black slaves–having 15 children by black women. However, white women felt deceived, and lonely and of course, lied to. Even though white women know that white men lied to them, they were still loyal and supported their man. So if you can support that liar then don’t talk hoopla about being tired of black people stealing history, claiming history and crying over slavery–that is HYPOCRITAL and being a liar. Some white folks need to stop being hypocritical.

    The point of the matter is black people have been all over the world long before white people ever thought about building a missile. Go to and see for yourself how Black people have been all across this globe for tens of thousands of years, literally. Sorry white people, but black people have beat you to the punch a long, long time ago! Now I understand why Hitler wanted the “pure white race” to emerge in Europe a supposely white continent. Obviously Europe wasn’t so white afterall and haven’t been for millenniums. He murdered everything that wasn’t blond hair and blue eyes, I think that would include Blacks, Indians, Gypsies, etc.

    1. Irish being Egyptian doesn’t make sense to me. Ireland is was settled before Egypt was. I know but look into it. Ireland’s first settlement found was 9,000 b.c.e. While the first settlement of Egypt is 5,000. I know Ireland is a lot farther from Africa then Egypt. But also the first Pyramid in Egypt is Djoser which was built by 2630 b.c.e. New Grand was built 3200 b.c.e that is according to carbon dating. Which is hard to proof wrong. That is 570 year span so what happened. Well no one in the beginning of human civilization would be caught dead without water. So with very little willingness to settle in a desert they moved. Making Asia Minor the birth place for civilization. So though the DNA is there since Egyptians and the Irish share the same blood line. I am saying that its wrong that they are either had an influence on the other.
      I’m not ruling out Africa all together though.

    2. About Hitler you are incorrect. Blonde Hair and blue was the superior Aryan. While Brown Hair and Blue eyed people where Aryan. They could protect the superior class but couldn’t have an opinion of their own. Brown hair and brown eyes would be thrown to the wayside.
      I’m a white so you can say what you want, but I have no issues with black people. But I can understand. I’m of Irish decent and the way the English treated my ancestors boils my blood. But slavery wasn’t invented by White people. Though it was abolished by white people that knew it was wrong and put a stop to it. At the death of 618,000 Americans.
      The bottom line most people are going to be assholes so long as they can get away with it and people let them.
      Its like people that put a pad lock on their locker. A pad lock only stops lazy people and honest people. Cause nothing is going to stop a hammer from breaking it open. An the one doing the hammering from taking everything that person owns.
      So unfortunately for lack of a better word. Millions of Africans had go threw hell for hundreds of years because though the wrong thing to do. Not enough people where around to stop it. Another thing about Hitler he was an Atheist so he killed many millions in the name of Atheism. That including Catholics which I am to. Being Irish its second nature to be Catholic.
      Sorry to have bothered you have a great New Year. 2011.

  5. I was never taught in the American school system that the world was so diverse. England had a Black Queen named Queen Charlotte Sophia and Rome had Black emperors, one being Lucius Septimius Bassianus. Crazy stuff. But getting back to Black Irish. I can only speak on the physical features of “SOME” Irish people. A friend of ours, Joe, is Irish and as a kid they would call him, @igger nose joe. His mom and dad are white but how did he get this nose. Ive seen other Irish with this same nose as well. Babe Ruth was Irish and same thing.. I think there may be some truth to this strory. Afro, freckles, red hair, wide nose and full lips. I can see it,

  6. Crazy and enthralling has been this thread!
    Just to mix it up a bit – I am Irish, English, German and Australian Aboriginal descent!
    In the end we are all humans conquering, consuming and consummating on a little planet we are ignorantly and greedily killing day by day. Does it matter what colour we are when it comes down to it? Really? So much ignorance spiced up with wonderfully wise insights.

    1. Perhaps because you’re able to “pass” as Euro you see yourself as us, which is OK, stay on your side but remember: If they knew where would you go? It is important, I feel to mention a salient fact but I’d like to couch it with a quote from Dr. Diop:” It isn’t a matter to which anyone can use to boast, but it is the way it is”. I personally wouldn’t consider it relevant if I hadn’t been continually cajoled, misrepresented and lied to about the Presence and Contributions of Africans to Civilization. From Science, Law, Philosophy, Language, Religion… I could go on and on. So it does matter

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