The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people – By Dr Clyde Winters

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The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people.

The Celts were originally Black people. Ephorus (c. 405BC) claimed that the Celts were Blacks or Ethiopians(1)The Celts continued to be recognized as Blacks by Tacitus, who wrote about the Black Celts and Picts in 80 AD .(2)

The Celts on the mainland of Europe were called Iberians or Silures.(3)though the original Celts were Black, overtime their name was stolen by Europeans. Father O’Growney has discussed the history of the Celts. He makes it clear that the original Celts were the Iberians.(4)

The Iberians were probably conquered by the Ligurians.(5) It is suggested that the Ligurians may be represented by the modern Basque of Spain.(6) The Ligurians took the name Celt.

The Ligurians/Celts were conquered by the Gaulish speaking people. The Gauls conqered the Ligurians and pushed them into Spain. It was these Gauls who imposed their language on the Iberian and Ligurian Celts .

The Gauls were Belgians according to Father O’Growney. The Irish and Welsh are descendants of these Gauls.(7) These Gauls spoke Gaulish or Gaelic.(8)

The Germans conquered the Gaulish-Celts, and Gaulish disappeared around 4th Century AD.

All of the Black Celts in Britain were not erased by the Gauls.

This is supported by the Ivory Lady of York ,England. The reconstruction of the face of the Ivory Bangle Lady (c.350AD) indicates that she was African or Black.

This woman was rich and indicates the African type common to the Bristish Isles.She was highly respected by her white subjects.

There is genetic and linguistic evidence that proves that the Celts were Black or African people. An examination of the language spoke by the Basque has a Niger-Congo substratum. C.J.K. Cambell-Dunn has found a Niger-Congo substratum in Basque .(9)

Dr. Cambell-Dunn found that the Niger-Congo and Basque languages share personal pronouns, numerals and vocabulary items.

There is also genetic evidence linking the Basque and Niger-Congo speakers. Both groups share SRY10831.1, YAP, M2,M173(xR1a,R1b3), E3*-P2, E3b2-M81 . (10)This linguistic and genetic evidence supports the African origin of the Celts.

The original Danes or Vikings were Blacks . (11)This is made clear in the Oseberg 8th Century Vikings on the Norway Sledge carving of the Black seafarers that populated the region at this time. It is clear from this carving that the 8th Century Vikings were different from the Blond, big bodied folk of Viking legends.


1. William and Robert Chambers, Chambers Information for the people, Vol. 2 ,(London & Ediburgh,1884) p.66.

2 J.A. Rogers, Sex and race, Vol.1 (New York, 1967) p.196.

3. Ibid, p.196.

4. Father O’Growney, The Celts, American Ecclesiastical Review, (1901) pp.350359.

5. Ibid, p.352.

6. Ibid., p.353.

7. Ibid., p.352.

8. Ibid., p.353.

9. C.J.K. Cambell-Dunn, Basque as Niger Congo. Retrieved 8/28/2010 at

10. Alonso S, Flores C, Cabera V. The place of Basque in the European y-Chromosome diversity landscape, European Journal of Human Genetics, (2005) 13:pp.1293-1302.

11. W.B., The Doctrine of Celtism, Notes and Queries, (1871) 7: p.8.

Here are more sources via Google Book:

Black celts

The Europeans make it clear that the early Welsh were Black Celts. They were a small black race that came to Britain from Iberia. They were forced off the mainland by whites.

T.R. (1890). The Gael at Bala. Bye-Gones, 26 Feb, pp.320-321. Black Celts

Dr. Masson reported on the Highlanders of Canada. He said they were of the descendants Black Celts. Dr, Masson made it clear these Highlanders spoke Caelic and had African faces. Black Celts 2

Dr. Masson. (1875). “The Gael of the Far West”, The Academy, Oct.30, pg.451. Black Celts 3

William Chamers , in Information for the people, said the Celts were descendants of Blacks who mixed with invading white tribes.Chambers said these Celts were Northern Ethiopians. Black Celts 4

Black Celts 5

Black Celts 6

Europeans also make it clear that the Danes were Blacks.

Black Danes

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183 thoughts on “The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people – By Dr Clyde Winters”

      1. Don’t forget mass murderers, rapists of land and people, thieves. Essentially, europeans do not play well with others human or non human. According to one of europe’s sons, David Icke, his people came from out of space. Of course he romanticized the notion that europeans were a beautiful, intelligent blonde race of aliens. He even used a South African, Credo Matwa, to lend himself credibilty that his race is superior advance alien specie from out of space. Icke even went on to say that europeans do not share the same biological rhythm as earth. Maybe there is some truth to europeans being space aliens. Why else are they set on destroying the earth and its inhabitants?

        1. Europeans are just better than you in every way. Deal with it, you wouldn’t have been our slaves, and might have invented a thing or two if it were any different.

          1. Our slaves as if you had any slaves. Your ancestors were the first slaves other Europeans. Most of you so callled racist who visit sites like Stormfront and the like are at the bottom of ladder in society- the same place your ancestors were in Europe before the kings and queens of Europe decided to ship all their criminals and servants like your ancestors to the new world to work the land. Don’t you ever forget that the first slaves in the new world was pig (White Euro discarded trash) skin like you. And Europeans are only better at stealing, mass murdering and raping for resources, and plagiarizing cultures, belief systems, religions, histories, ways of life and calling it their own. You had no history. You stole and interjected yourselves in other people’s history – a pig skin lord and savior does not make any self in the hot desert sun of Africa (Alkebulan). SMH at your shameless plagiarism and stealing.

            Europeans steal and pliagiarize so much that they are even online claiming they either developed or taught African Americans hoodoo. Which is it pig skins? You either murdered and rape the African Americans into Christian and taught them to serve your penis god or you taught them hoodoo which you considered to be a sin and devil worship? There are more Euro (pig skin) Americans online claiming to have a white hoodoo grandmother who taught them how to hoodoo than their are whites in the general American population with knowledge of hoodoo. Most of the people profiting from Haitian Voodoo online and offline and calling themselves Hougans and Bokors are white. You have stolen yoga from the Asians and Native spirituality from North American Natives – using the $5 Indian system – now you are moving on to African/Black traditional worships in mass numbers for profit – the same belief systems you considered to be evil and devil worship.

            So, thief stop with the, “I am white and better” bullshit. You are only better at destruction and are the least likely to play well with others. You can liken whites on the world stage to watching a selfish child playing in the sand box – gobbling up everyone’s toy and saying, “that’s mine” and even crying while he proclaims, “that’s mine” and knowing very well that it does not belong to him. Your day of reckoning is near. The great mother will cleanse all the evil parasites from the planet. Hence, the reason for your low birth rates – no science or laboratory will save you anti nature freaks.

          2. Just in case you miss what I was trying to say, please allow me to reiterate. The first slaves on the colonies were your white criminal and serf ancestors from Europe whom the kings and queens brought to the colonies to pay taxes (rob) and work the land for them. Matter of fact, your ancestors only enjoyed semi freedom on the colonies because Europe, they were tied to the land like slaves through the taxation system. Read a book we all have the same enemy. Colour is an illusion used to divide and rule. Then enslaved the black indigenous and native peoples who were already on the colonies with you. The concept of whiteness is a recent phenomenon. Prior to the 1800s, there was no such thing as the white race which was created to free the white slaves because it just didn’t look right to be enslaving those who looked like the ruling class along with the coloureds (Native North Americans and indigenous black people and the few Africans they brought here as slaves) That is the problem with you pig skinned wanna be superior shits. You erroneously believe that your pig skin meant that you were part of the ruling class and thus, your ancestors had slaves. Not all whites in the colonies had slaves and not all could afford slaves. Slavery was a luxury afforded by the same ruling families who left Europe – serfs and criminals like your ancestors maintained their position in the colonies. Once slavery ended, the poor whites went back to the trades of their ancestors in Europe before they made it to the new world – criminal activities and being household servants – being at the bottom of society. I would suggest you learn your ancestral history and how you were wrong by the very same people you think you belong. As it was then and as it is now, “Having sameness in skin colour and hair colour does not meant you had anything in common” with what your people like to refer to as having good breeding. Read a book and stop living the fairytale fantasies of greatness – because the ruling class in the colonies would not have associated with trash like you. Even during the existence of slavery you still had to know your place in society then and now. Stop riding off the backs of others and map out your own existence.

        2. Shut the fuck up already you ignorant piece of shit. You’re just as much the problem to the development of this world as idiot white racists. There is no day of reckoning. Or final armageddon. Just wishful thinking on the part of fucktards like you who are upset because they failed at life and need an excuse to make themselves feel better. Why don’t you spout your idiocy in front of a bunch of other African Americans and see how long it takes you to get your stupid ignorant ass knocked the fuck out like the hateful punk bitch you are. And before you call me a pigskin, I’m half Mexican. Pinche puto racista.

    1. All u gotta do is research these countries and go there and you’ll find out that you are calling your great great grandparents servants

  1. Ok, I can’t believe i’m giving this a serious answer, but if the Vikings were black, who are their direct descendants, the Icelanders, white as it gets? Iceland was settled by Norwegian Vikings, and their Irish and Scottish women, and was isolated from the world for a very long time. The native population is very homogeneous. So if these people’s ancestors were originally black, I think it would be visible in them.

    1. Did you not read this artical third paragraph down. Third sentence down and you can’t believe your giving this a serious answer first try it with a serious question. Smmfh

    2. Not true…there are plenty whites in America who have African ancestors but it’s not visible due to constant mating with other whites

      1. But if the Vikings were black, true22kemet, there would be no other white people in their region at all. You’d still have black people in Scandinavia if this was true. But it isn’t, it’s hogwash.

        Every single source in the world will tell you vikings and celts where white of skin.
        This has nothing to do with racism. The only racism here are all the black people trying to corrupt history to their own ends.

        Try showing this at any university that teaches history and they will laugh at you. Not because there’s some conspiracy against you, but because you’re so wrong that it doesn’t even merrit a serious responce.

        1. Andreas, you are a ranting, raving lunatic who has not offered any evidence to counteract the information listed on this website. Rasta Live Wire will not take your emotional rants as evidence. I wish you white hypocrites would have this much energy for the countless racist white websites that claim black people are inferiors and subhumans. The information presented therein on this site is truthful but mostly harmless. Whites are not going to rewrite history because of what is presented here because whites are the one who changed history to suit their delusions of grandeur. Andreas, maybe you cannot read but the purpose of this site is for black history to be told from black point of views and for black people to be rewritten back into history where they were ERASED by your people. So unless you have evidence to the contrary, just go cry, bitch, whine and shit up youself somewhere else or to your fellow whites on stormfront, niggermania, chimpout and the millions of other racist websites hosted by whites dehumanizing and degrading black people. Those white racists will be more of a comfort to you. You won’t find anyone here who is sympathetic to your rants.

          I say white racist sites are more dangerous because it is obviously people like you take the white man’s word as scientific facts even when there is no evidence presented. Tell your people to stop filing down the noses of my ancestors, stop defacing Egyptian tombs and stop painting their pink skins on Egyptians walls. That is a real tragedy not the real information presented on Rasta Live Wire. No one here is insane enough to take to white museums or universities about the lies they are spreading as white history because we know this type of fantasy was created to give the white man a sense of superiority. The people of Rasta Live Wire are not racist Afrocentrics, we just want the truth to be told.

          1. Mike, i am from Sweden and i know my history. I even traced my ancestry and i only got to the 14th century, i found out that i am descended from a lawmen in Orust. I all i just want to say is that you are the kind of people that have never been to Europe and started to claim things that isnt true at all(sorry for my english). I know my history and i dont want a little prick in the internet to claim and erase my history. 85% of all ethnic swedes are straight descended from the first hunter-garthers from about 6-7000 years ago. Theres no prove of a indegous people in Sweden except for the sami but they came to North of Sweden in about 4-5000 years ago, so they are indgenous in the north of Sweden, Norway and Finland. So if 85% of all Ethnic Swedes are descendens from the first hunter-garthers that means that 85% are descendend from the Vikings. Stop claimin history that isnt yours you Afrocentric

        2. Heres the prove of Vikings
          “I have seen the Rus as they came on their merchant journeys and encamped by the Itil. I have never seen more perfect physical specimens, tall as date palms, blond and ruddy; they wear neither tunics nor kaftans, but the men wear a garment which covers one side of the body and leaves a hand free. Each man has an axe, a sword, and a knife, and keeps each by him at all times. Each woman wears on either breast a box of iron, silver, copper, or gold; the value of the box indicates the wealth of the husband. Each box has a ring from which depends a knife. The women wear neck-rings of gold and silver. Their most prized ornaments are green glass beads. They string them as necklaces for their women.” – Ahmad ibn Fadlan

          Fact: Vikings were White

  2. Its so amazing the, the truth is being uncovered around the globe and the typical response from undereducated whites is to insult and deny rather than investigate. Maybe is you include “Beer” and a “Gun” they will do their homework and discover the truth for themselves. their own scientist confirm that all life on this planet started in Africa. what does that tells us???????

    1. “All life on this planet started in Africa?” Your ignorance is on full display. Surpassed only by your blind prejudice. Why don’t you get your head out of your bigotted racist ass and learn how to write English?

      1. ed, if anyone has trouble reading, writing and interpreting the English language, it is you. How dear you criticize the writing style of another when you are not even capable of composing grammatically correct sentences? Drop dead, crawl back to Central Asia and leave tara alone and allow me to use the excuse given by illiterate Albinos online, ” i? am not typing a term paper so, i do not believe that all of the grammactical formalities apply to the net(forums;comment boards;discussion threadsn.” If that excuse is good enough for illiterate Albinos online, that same excuse can be used for tara . Just because you do not like the message, doesn’t give you a reason to launch an emotional attack.

        According to Albino scientists, “All life began in Africa.” If the aforementioned information is troubling to your Albino sense of entitlement, please go back to central Asia where you originated. Next time, provide evidence to refute what tara has stated. Here we deal with evidence and not emotions. In this information age, the rant, “I am more believable because I am Albino no longer works.”

      1. Albino James, this is not a competition. For whatever reason, you insecure Albinos are upset when any information provided presents Africa/black people in a positive light. Albinos are physical and emotional dense void space which cannot support life. You are walking deads and every where you go, you bring death and destruction because you are spiritually, emotionally and physically dead voids who is trying to satisfy your void using material wealth. If Central Asia, your homeland, could have supported your need for greed, murder and thirst for blood, you probably would not have left. What is this void that you Albinos are trying to fill? Blank empty spaces of nothingness. Drop dead you emotionally needy zoopiles.

        For 500 years you have murdered, raped and stolen resources and you are still not satisfied? Albinos will not be satisfied until the planet has been completely destroyed because obviously controlling majority of the world’s wealth is not good enough to quench their greedy thirsty?

        Any where you go, dead empty voids are created and you have the gall to call these places civilization.

        1. first off all races have done things that modern morality would find distasteful , secondly we are not from central Asia, thirdly the world’s wealth is not controlled by us, if you look at the facts there are many rich Jews , Asians and yes Africans

    2. straight out of Africa theory is bullshit , through DNA testing we now know that modern human are a hybrid species , we Europeans have a strong mix of Neanderthal and cro-magnon with very little African homo sapiens sapiens

  3. This is great truth to be unveiled. The great Mafuto Shingo would even writhe in the terror of his true ancestor’s origins being revealed. Those origins are on Benchmark 42, but also include the chowhall and where ever we can find Squeakers the OPSEC hamster.

  4. Very interesting! Human history has so many holes in it though that we can never be 100% sure. That does lead to questions about the Nords, too, and where they came from. Unless, of course, we invent a time machine, we can never be sure. ;] I don’t think this should be something to get into a race argument tho. That’s just stupid, so shut your mouth Kauz.

  5. This dumb angry Italian woman is out of her mind. The Vikings are Nordic white, the
    whitist of white. the Celts are the people of Ireland, Scotland and part of the populations of
    France and Spain. It is the Italians who descend from Romans and Black Africans who
    were all over southern Italian during the Roman Empire. Italians and Blacks have so much in common. They are good cooks, good singers, women have huge rumps, men well endowed, both are associated with crime and violence and both have sickle cell.

      1. Apparently, whites were in Africa, too, basking in the glorious sunlight that can kill them. It is interesting to note that black people were kept out of Canada because the whites claim Canada was too cold for them but i have never heard of black people developing any disease due to exposure to the cold. Go figure.

        1. I have never heard of whites keeping blacks out of Canada. Where the hell did you hear this bullshit? I also have never heard of any race developing a disease from exposure to the cold. Where the hell do you idiots get this shit?

          1. There goes that typical pinkoid emotional point of you view without the presentation of any facts. If whites haven’t experienced it and has never heard it, in their narrow white minds, it does not exist or it must be evil and satanic. That pretty much sums white points of view on racism and other so called races’ religious beliefs as well. Black people who tried to emigrate were told that Canada was too cold for them or they cannot stand the cold (same shit) Read the article. I am not sure why you superiors thinking inferiors come with emotional reactions instead of irrefutable facts. And for people who like to throw insults you are the most sensitive people on the planet. Why does the site bother you? It will not go away because you are white and thinks if information doesn’t come from whites it is not true.. Why didn’t you actually try to find out if black people were really kept out of Canada because of race instead of implying we must not believe because you are white and if you say it is not true, you are more believable. Come with facts next time you emotional ranting lunatic. And that is correct, black people do not develop diseases from the cold but it was used as a reason to keep them out of Canada. While whites who develop diseases as in skin cancer from too much sun exposure were/are flocking to tropical countries to rob, murder and rape for resources.

            Here is the article describing How Canada was Kept Almost Lily White. I wish you had looked it up instead of using the white emotional reaction, “I am white therefore you must believe me.”

    1. And Joel. Fremonde is is senile. Let her beloved what she wishes I bet you still believe Christopher Columbus discovered American Pfizer want to b like you when I grow up. Ignorance is a flaw that shouldn’t b tolerated

    2. First, if the Egyptians were one of the first civilizations then they could have been the first to travel the world…this is why its always been taught the earth was round with ancient maps….until some guy decided that the earth was flat and u’d fall off. The real problem is lack of education and people not investing the right resources to revise history…evidence don’t lie and the fact that we went through a white washing stage and that whites in the 18th century were devilishly racists and did not want to bow down to a people the most high appointed as rulers of the earth

      1. Another retard talking about lack of education. I suggest you read your comment before you post. Nobody’s going to bow to no one you racist little thug. No God appointed anybody as a chosen people. If you were so educated you would realize the bible was written by man not a God.

        1. @Grim

          Really, the bible was written by man? It didn’t stop you lunatic whites from rendering people extinct – using the bible to murder, rape and steal resources. Whites are still in African, Asia, and South America Christianizing the natives so that they can steal more resources from them. Tell all the raping white missionaries who are in the above noted continent who are preaching their manmade bullshit white supremacist religion.. The whole chosen people bullshit is from whites. If it makes, true22kemete feels good to believe in racial superiority, I don’t’ blame him because look at what is calling his people inferior. Is it the bible/Jesus behind the whole white race asinine belief of racial superiority. A blond hair blue eyed white guy running around in the hot African desert sun. What a ridiculous lie? Didn’t you whites use this very same manmade bible to proclaim that black people are naturally inferior and were born to serve white masters. I would suggest you should go learn how to read before you comment and post.

          1. christianity is a Semitic religion and has nothing to do with native European beliefs , and the jews were claiming racial supremacy long before us

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