The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people – By Dr Clyde Winters

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The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people.

The Celts were originally Black people. Ephorus (c. 405BC) claimed that the Celts were Blacks or Ethiopians(1)The Celts continued to be recognized as Blacks by Tacitus, who wrote about the Black Celts and Picts in 80 AD .(2)

The Celts on the mainland of Europe were called Iberians or Silures.(3)though the original Celts were Black, overtime their name was stolen by Europeans. Father O’Growney has discussed the history of the Celts. He makes it clear that the original Celts were the Iberians.(4)

The Iberians were probably conquered by the Ligurians.(5) It is suggested that the Ligurians may be represented by the modern Basque of Spain.(6) The Ligurians took the name Celt.

The Ligurians/Celts were conquered by the Gaulish speaking people. The Gauls conqered the Ligurians and pushed them into Spain. It was these Gauls who imposed their language on the Iberian and Ligurian Celts .

The Gauls were Belgians according to Father O’Growney. The Irish and Welsh are descendants of these Gauls.(7) These Gauls spoke Gaulish or Gaelic.(8)

The Germans conquered the Gaulish-Celts, and Gaulish disappeared around 4th Century AD.

All of the Black Celts in Britain were not erased by the Gauls.

This is supported by the Ivory Lady of York ,England. The reconstruction of the face of the Ivory Bangle Lady (c.350AD) indicates that she was African or Black.

This woman was rich and indicates the African type common to the Bristish Isles.She was highly respected by her white subjects.

There is genetic and linguistic evidence that proves that the Celts were Black or African people. An examination of the language spoke by the Basque has a Niger-Congo substratum. C.J.K. Cambell-Dunn has found a Niger-Congo substratum in Basque .(9)

Dr. Cambell-Dunn found that the Niger-Congo and Basque languages share personal pronouns, numerals and vocabulary items.

There is also genetic evidence linking the Basque and Niger-Congo speakers. Both groups share SRY10831.1, YAP, M2,M173(xR1a,R1b3), E3*-P2, E3b2-M81 . (10)This linguistic and genetic evidence supports the African origin of the Celts.

The original Danes or Vikings were Blacks . (11)This is made clear in the Oseberg 8th Century Vikings on the Norway Sledge carving of the Black seafarers that populated the region at this time. It is clear from this carving that the 8th Century Vikings were different from the Blond, big bodied folk of Viking legends.


1. William and Robert Chambers, Chambers Information for the people, Vol. 2 ,(London & Ediburgh,1884) p.66.

2 J.A. Rogers, Sex and race, Vol.1 (New York, 1967) p.196.

3. Ibid, p.196.

4. Father O’Growney, The Celts, American Ecclesiastical Review, (1901) pp.350359.

5. Ibid, p.352.

6. Ibid., p.353.

7. Ibid., p.352.

8. Ibid., p.353.

9. C.J.K. Cambell-Dunn, Basque as Niger Congo. Retrieved 8/28/2010 at

10. Alonso S, Flores C, Cabera V. The place of Basque in the European y-Chromosome diversity landscape, European Journal of Human Genetics, (2005) 13:pp.1293-1302.

11. W.B., The Doctrine of Celtism, Notes and Queries, (1871) 7: p.8.

Here are more sources via Google Book:

Black celts

The Europeans make it clear that the early Welsh were Black Celts. They were a small black race that came to Britain from Iberia. They were forced off the mainland by whites.

T.R. (1890). The Gael at Bala. Bye-Gones, 26 Feb, pp.320-321. Black Celts

Dr. Masson reported on the Highlanders of Canada. He said they were of the descendants Black Celts. Dr, Masson made it clear these Highlanders spoke Caelic and had African faces. Black Celts 2

Dr. Masson. (1875). “The Gael of the Far West”, The Academy, Oct.30, pg.451. Black Celts 3

William Chamers , in Information for the people, said the Celts were descendants of Blacks who mixed with invading white tribes.Chambers said these Celts were Northern Ethiopians. Black Celts 4

Black Celts 5

Black Celts 6

Europeans also make it clear that the Danes were Blacks.

Black Danes

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183 thoughts on “The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people – By Dr Clyde Winters”

  1. your not not white in law just illusion,emotion,free white sovereign does not mean caucasion race aryan race no race ,,in your dickkk tion aryan blacks law 4th edition ,,u are bs ,as is color of law u promote getting promissary paper notes fraudulently claimig you are white ,by fear intimidation ann changing verbs and adjectives to artificial nouns.we havee already proven where they aryan comes from,,an the other aryan that came here admitted the aryan was only on the earth 7000 years .its your masonry that teaches this .your shkin red ruddy is not white ,,if ur insides were white u could not reproduce ,,did u develope in the light of your muthers womb or the dark ,,an how did shr get that get here ,,not by no penis pedophile penis god from religion ,,you have violated divine law an they have burned the people with the 3degrees freezing cold ,im glad you found my comment to place yours under wil know the illusion of be lief,,be leaving,,be a lie about eve,,you do believe what you dont know ,an dont want to know what may interfere with your illusion,,the swastica was our symbol of pprotection long before hitler an the meeth smpthetamine he loved to take each day ,,rothchilds son created by the rothchilds .,used as scapegoat to create state off israel,,550,000 moors killed an rhine land mentioned as reason for military action by hitler,,jews bastardizing ,,race ,,klu klux klan flag an american flag colors are in egypt , where they come from,wight from whiggamore party which were dark moors in america ,,hizzztory ,lied,,tory political party one loyal to britan ,,i even got pictures of mmoors fighting with british scottish right vs patriots york right ,crispus atiicks .indentured servants first slaves.if u already know this let me remind you ,,under the law i am the only white man on my land ,before1492 is before terra incognita ,before america,,the cannibles came eating all men who knew latin an arabic,the main food in europe was human beings ,no farms or wildlife to catch intowns ,villages,ghettoes ,,for cagots carrions agotes.the lie of u bein white by scaring people like casper the ghost with death is the only bullshit here ,prove this is bullshit ,dont just post up with no position .you cannot dispuute this any moor then that ,,if your aryan brothersare here show your self an prove your point ,u cannot ,,u can only brag your gonna start a race war ,but peoples not scared to die cause they own govt says they already dead strawman ,as are u equally deadd claiming rights from a fraudulent q13th 14tj amenddmeentt color of law.for sure after ww2 thy let all german pows free in midwest an b prescott bush ran american nazi party ,the rights of the land alow u to exist as they allow nambla an nawgla but that doesnt make it right .while distracting your people with color u have alowed them to be enslaved indentured by britan commercially internationally with ucc,,all brothers brother hoods have allowe this raissing guns but vooices against the desruction of the ppeople of which you are par an pracel.the sky isnt white ,heaven isnt white ,,its dark matter ,u will never return to ,the day wil come when u cannot close your eyes an see dark to sleep ,iiif u hate dark so much dont go to sleep,,,,u can live forever with eyes closed coma in dark ,but you cannot live long if you cant close your eyes ,,the drk u hateis what gives you life ,what makes you breathe ,only thing white in your flesh would be a tumor ,,bones are connected stars ,he womn is the creator ,the muther not the fthers tht creted coor n religion.13 14 the amendment ,all capital leters onyou ss card u not white IF YOUR NAME LOOKS LIKE THIS YOUR JOB PAY fake paper MONEY FROM YOUR BIRTH CERTIFICATE ,INSURED BY THE BACK OF YOUR SS CARD ,RED LETTER ANN 7-8 NUM,BERS ON FRONT OF DOLLAR BILL AN BACK OF SS CARD.if u was white u nwouldnt be paying tax ,,that statuswas gainned in 1863 an lost in 1865 amendments to constiution.,i dont get emotional cause im not blacl to you an this is my land ,your not white u are fiscal,,,properrty,treasure of the stte ,or kingdom ,its artificial if u got birh certificate ss card as the contract foundating your white claim,,white man dont pay taxes like preachers religious leaders have been,given/granted/ on my land by foriegners from europe , all color citizens are enemies of the state ,,state is verb corrupted to noun,,,u need to study that instead of what color you not .i dont have to defen your creation of black cause you cant prove you are white by ur skin in the law nor do you have german nationality card.your claimis deniedhere ,u not white just cause u call hitler ,aryuans are raised an civilized with free masonry which is moorish science makingg you our european son and us moors/muurs your father who art your heaven . creating un700 years ago molove branch grafting with jacob inyourbible,i dontcomefrom ham adam is the atom that makes up my body being a muur,,free masonry is from moorrish science

  2. roman 1492 patriarchal fake god,race is bullsht,what came from the bowels of the christian church hate for religion an created race

  3. This is what we call a semantic trick. The references throughout history to black celts is due to their hair colour. Dark straight hair is not uncommon in Europe. I’m white with dark hair and blue eyes, and this is mostly seen in the celtic parts of the British Isles.
    The article itself uses the tools of European racism and throws it back in its face.
    Superimposing faces on skulls in an order to claim land as belonging to an ethnic group is just fucking hilararious and has long been used by white racists to justify their cretinous views.
    It is true that Europeans have been the aggressors throughout the last 500 years and as a result have come out on top in many areas.
    It is also true that after becoming a society enslavened to progress, productivity and the work ethic, it is the European desire for exoticism that led it to artificially appropriate and reconstruct art and music that a conquered people would ironically go on to describe as their ‘culture’.
    The writer of this article has taken the tools of the far right and merely inverted it for his own uses. Everybody wants to be somebody, and whilst its pretty standard for most white people to believe they are unconditional members of a national identity that bestows privileges upon them merely for being born, then they can’t really complain when a Jamaican car park attendant who thinks because he’s originally ‘african’, and Egypt is ‘African’, then hes descended from the pharoahs.

    This place is the Stormfront for sad black people!

    1. African Americans are descended from thd oldest black tribes in africa(Bantus) Whoe share common ancestry with one of the oldest races in the world:, the Africa n pygmies who had a lot to do with the prehistorical developement of many civilization such as Egypt who attribute their originsto the pygmy tribes. This is why in the bible the children of Ethiopia were liken unto the children of Israel. But. don’t.tell me Ethiopia was always just a country. it was an ethnicity once used interchangeably in the annal of Europe with words like negritos or mauri

  4. I’m pained by how wrong and delusional this is.

    There is no evidence for Celts and Vikings being black. None.
    There are tremendous amounts, piles of information, to prove that they were caucasian.

    This black woman they dug up is an exception. She is not the rule.

    But sure, ignore every over source in human history from the period and onward, even the sources of the Celts and Vikings themselves, that say they are all white.

    You’d think a large black population in Europe would have left behind more than ONE person. And if not in graves, then in descendants, of which there are none.

    I’m not racist, far from it. I just strongly dislike this idiotic twisting and corruption of a several thousand years of history just so you can feel better about your ethnicity.

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