The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people – By Dr Clyde Winters

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The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people.

The Celts were originally Black people. Ephorus (c. 405BC) claimed that the Celts were Blacks or Ethiopians(1)The Celts continued to be recognized as Blacks by Tacitus, who wrote about the Black Celts and Picts in 80 AD .(2)

The Celts on the mainland of Europe were called Iberians or Silures.(3)though the original Celts were Black, overtime their name was stolen by Europeans. Father O’Growney has discussed the history of the Celts. He makes it clear that the original Celts were the Iberians.(4)

The Iberians were probably conquered by the Ligurians.(5) It is suggested that the Ligurians may be represented by the modern Basque of Spain.(6) The Ligurians took the name Celt.

The Ligurians/Celts were conquered by the Gaulish speaking people. The Gauls conqered the Ligurians and pushed them into Spain. It was these Gauls who imposed their language on the Iberian and Ligurian Celts .

The Gauls were Belgians according to Father O’Growney. The Irish and Welsh are descendants of these Gauls.(7) These Gauls spoke Gaulish or Gaelic.(8)

The Germans conquered the Gaulish-Celts, and Gaulish disappeared around 4th Century AD.

All of the Black Celts in Britain were not erased by the Gauls.

This is supported by the Ivory Lady of York ,England. The reconstruction of the face of the Ivory Bangle Lady (c.350AD) indicates that she was African or Black.

This woman was rich and indicates the African type common to the Bristish Isles.She was highly respected by her white subjects.

There is genetic and linguistic evidence that proves that the Celts were Black or African people. An examination of the language spoke by the Basque has a Niger-Congo substratum. C.J.K. Cambell-Dunn has found a Niger-Congo substratum in Basque .(9)

Dr. Cambell-Dunn found that the Niger-Congo and Basque languages share personal pronouns, numerals and vocabulary items.

There is also genetic evidence linking the Basque and Niger-Congo speakers. Both groups share SRY10831.1, YAP, M2,M173(xR1a,R1b3), E3*-P2, E3b2-M81 . (10)This linguistic and genetic evidence supports the African origin of the Celts.

The original Danes or Vikings were Blacks . (11)This is made clear in the Oseberg 8th Century Vikings on the Norway Sledge carving of the Black seafarers that populated the region at this time. It is clear from this carving that the 8th Century Vikings were different from the Blond, big bodied folk of Viking legends.


1. William and Robert Chambers, Chambers Information for the people, Vol. 2 ,(London & Ediburgh,1884) p.66.

2 J.A. Rogers, Sex and race, Vol.1 (New York, 1967) p.196.

3. Ibid, p.196.

4. Father O’Growney, The Celts, American Ecclesiastical Review, (1901) pp.350359.

5. Ibid, p.352.

6. Ibid., p.353.

7. Ibid., p.352.

8. Ibid., p.353.

9. C.J.K. Cambell-Dunn, Basque as Niger Congo. Retrieved 8/28/2010 at

10. Alonso S, Flores C, Cabera V. The place of Basque in the European y-Chromosome diversity landscape, European Journal of Human Genetics, (2005) 13:pp.1293-1302.

11. W.B., The Doctrine of Celtism, Notes and Queries, (1871) 7: p.8.

Here are more sources via Google Book:

Black celts

The Europeans make it clear that the early Welsh were Black Celts. They were a small black race that came to Britain from Iberia. They were forced off the mainland by whites.

T.R. (1890). The Gael at Bala. Bye-Gones, 26 Feb, pp.320-321. Black Celts

Dr. Masson reported on the Highlanders of Canada. He said they were of the descendants Black Celts. Dr, Masson made it clear these Highlanders spoke Caelic and had African faces. Black Celts 2

Dr. Masson. (1875). “The Gael of the Far West”, The Academy, Oct.30, pg.451. Black Celts 3

William Chamers , in Information for the people, said the Celts were descendants of Blacks who mixed with invading white tribes.Chambers said these Celts were Northern Ethiopians. Black Celts 4

Black Celts 5

Black Celts 6

Europeans also make it clear that the Danes were Blacks.

Black Danes

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183 thoughts on “The ancient Celts and Vikings were Black people – By Dr Clyde Winters”

  1. Honest to god, I can not believe the comments I have read here. How disgusting and vile can both you white AND black be? This is modern fuckin society, in 2013, and you all act like a bunch of barbarians claiming to be better than one or the other. Yes, the black population have had some serious mistreatment in the past at the hands of white people, and my hearts go out to those who were treated cruelly, and like less than people. But what you forget is: NOT ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE SAME, just like not all black people are. Everyone, black, white, asian, mixed race, recieves abuse, somewhere in the past, and have been treated badly. The fact that you base your naive, pathetic hatred on an entirety of people is absurd and wrong.
    It saddens me that even in our advanced years, we are no where near being equal among the masses because of people like a lot of the commenter’s on this site. When are you all going to accept that despite our appearance, and despite our heritages, we are all the same. We’re all made of flesh, and bone and blood.
    I really hope that one day, people can just fucking get along for the sake of our children, and our future. Because let’s face it, the rate we’re goina at the moment, we’re a shit world to live in.
    As for the article at hand, maybe the woman was a Celt/Viking. There’s no reason why she couldn’t be. Aren’t there currently interracial cities all over the world?

    1. Would you like some cheese to go with that white whine? Better yet take your white whine to stormfront, niggermania, chimpout and the like, they will more likely have sympathy for you. Black reaction to white on going terrorism is not racism. We will continue to reclaim our history. You could bloodclaat chaw iron ar ball blood we dont give a fuck. Facebook.allows a picture of a white baby and a black baby represented by a monkey and we are the racist. Amazon allowed with the cover page of monkeys represent the first family and we ate the racist. I do not see one white in the defense of black people when whites are going pink ape – true monkey style with their deragotory remarks. Like it or not im not turning the other cheeek. I fight fire with fire. Pink apes are sensitive yet they like to throw insults. I never understood why some black people hate whites until i started going to black videos and blackforums. Every where black people gather online pink apes are sure tp follow making derahotory remarks. Dude preach to your people. Tell them to stop te hatred. If you keep kicking a dog it will bite. I hate when pigskins act like their terrorism of nlavk people os a thing of the past. Its not. Maybe in your delusional pink mind. Vibrationally low entities that is why they are so hateful and violent. I HATE NO ONE. Everyday whites want with their subhuman selves finds to convince the world that we are animals and we should thank and love them for it and pretend it is not happening. You cant escape they give a full dose of hatred with their statistics and pseudo science and statistics.

      1. I really don’t think you got the point of her comment…. I was just doing some innocent research on the Celts, Roman and Germanic societies, as I was curious to what my heritage may have been, as best I can recognise from my facial features (I am British, and we’ve had a very diverse mixture of invaders).

        I haven’t done anything to offend anyone, yet apparently I’m just another ‘pigskin’ who is *insert derogatory claim here*. The assumption that white people do not object against racist attacks on blacks, or any other race, because I fucking do. I’ve never been to sites such as niggermania or stormfront, because I was blissfully unaware of their existence (I’ve just looked at them and can say I’m slightly saddened by knowing what’s on their, so thanks for that -.-). These sites are not widely spread among the norm of British people, not even white Britons, that’s why I was unaware of their existence.

        I would regularly debate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, calling out their racist, idiotic beliefs. I stopped after realising how futile it was to preach logic to the hopelessly brainwashed and radicalised minds found in those despicable groups. That’s exactly the reason why I won’t debate the validity of black celts (which I personally don’t believe in, as I believe that the evidence points towards Caucasian migration and inhabitation being more logical and evidenced) – I’m just going to state my disappointment in some of the comment’s brainwashed, non-sensical rambliings and accusations.

        Firstly, why am I a just a pigskin with imperialist and supremacist intentions, purely because I was born white? This presumptuous statement mirrors statements used to describe black, Indian, Arab and many other ethnicities, by white supremacists. I treat people the same, with no regard for race, so why am I included in this ignorant umbrella accusation? You claim your malicious verbal abuse is a direct response to racism from white people, which is utter bullshit, as you are attacking people who aren’t fucking racist. That person was expressing their disgust against both sides of the racism, just as they should, yet you attack them with insults against their ‘delusional pink mind’.

        Racism is a two-way street, my friend; saying its not racism because it’s a black person saying it about a white person in inherently and fundamentally the concept of racism. I’m not going to call you a dirty negro, a monkey or any of the other close-minded shit some white racists say; I don’t care where you’re from or what colour your skin is, all I care about is WHO you are – and you seem to be a complete and utter arsehole.

  2. thats why color was created an you bleac people are not white ,,stormfront is just color no knowledge cause white is fake ass the black it created ,,wwhy are u white ,why are they black ,answrr the question first ,,is it cause your skin ,,thr if u say u white cause u got blue eyes or pale skin show me the law in your country that defines that as white ,,13thb 14th amendment is arificial but thats the flag u raise for white ,only free masons know moorish science civilized al in europe ,so thats why inthemiddle of the 60s boston made bill russell player coach ,,no evidence huhlook at the dates ,,explainmn yoursudden blue eye non -o blood tuype suddenly appearinglying in bible sayongb youfom hesaven ,from above ,hat color isds the inside of your body ,,what protects your heart ,dark matter ,your mothers womb is wjhat color inside ,,out of 100percent how much of your body is skin,,SKIN IS AN ORGAN YES LARGEST ORGAN THEY SAY,,but its 16percent of your body soo to say u are white ior black as a noun is artificial an in complete cause thats all uare 16percent of a man in 6 degrees of seperation,,i feel i answred that nazi very uniquely as ido anyone who says they white ancant prove it any moor them the kkk fear ill kill u spell ,itsgoodto die standing up instead of greeing to be killed sitting down,we dont go t stormfron but they caame /come here to learn ,,albions come here men i mean to say theywhite an they not cause they pay taxes ,only preachers imams ,an rabbis,oh yeah shamans to in america are tax free an the muurs,,ciizens aint white or free white sovereigns cause they clam no nationality ,,in united nations no bl;acknation seat or white nation seat ,,so whjhat is ur nationality united statsian ,your passports dont say ameican unless they changed it ,,,he disgusting an vile is that u call people colors bsed on nothing any of u know except the miror miror on the wall whos the fairest of them all ,,vile disgusting is color of law ,confounded english ,the acidl angugge of babel,the lack of knowledhge of law indicates eagles claw lions paw rituals working to the core ,,when intelligence comes u miss /mrs it like mr missed her,,,now read that an weep ,also ancient africa marc washington,theres no evidence ,,where that man that said that ,u mean none yu have seen ,,cause these artifact cannot be created to lie for us but are preserved spmthe albion knows whee he came from even if hhe mnasonically hides it from us to keep a false imagr of wight from whiggamoor white ,,whiggamoors party was moors usrped an changed to repubblican party todayy ,,we the original republicans scared into democracy buyy kkk killin al muurs claiming to befree white soveeigms ,,thats how thygotwhite ,,english wasoly spoken in america since 1828 ,we spoke latin arabic before 1492 ,,onece thelie of adam wwas exposed the liliesof the fake white bleac people ran out of timne an in1314amendment the claim is as fraudulent as african american negro black ,,no we muurs didnt sign that sht an the ones in msta temples crossed out black an wrote moorish ameica an signed it in red pen ucc 1-103 1-308-1-207 wwithh out prejudice with all rights reserved in latin they write all of this withred pen onlyoprotect thepropery ,,the signature ,,an keep pit an autograph in law not under any jurisdiction of the u.s corporation,,our temple is our body an inour head ,we dontuuse buildings but the msta does ,peace be unto them,,come al ye asiatics you are not negro colored hispanic latino indian black ,like theres no fish called sardine unless captured an canned ,sardine = negro.colored black indian latino hispanic ,,if it ends in o it was created from a man ,,woman give birh to create life ,men draw blood to kill off life to recreate life without what it as before,,negro necro=dead kill it ,,negro latino end in the masculine though no nan can bear children sotheykill rape an change the people title oproperty an get them to agree to it or die,,thats fear rushing us to judgement ,,the minority,,minor= less- take away lesssun ,ity meamnns bright illuminating shining ,,see how the word makes no sense ,,wwhen there aremoor so called minors then palskin minoriy population of the planet ,siothats why itds a trick inlaw ith no treat for the minority population but treatvfor the real minorrcns who were slabes first habig their staus reversed rehursed an the nehgro from mjuur/moor now cursed ,,like as trayvon not cursed by lies an im rigt here ,in the territory it happened orange seminole county muurs 9eocm ,black is the reaction 2nd action to the lie of white from bleac being first one

  3. Wow how racist. You’re not happy with your own history so you have to claim that Celts were black? At some point everyone was black, by this logic even the Chinese were “black.” God how racist can this get.

    1. This is not racism. This is black people reclaiming what you have stolen. Racism is the genocide you committed against the black civilizations whom you later displaced and stole their legacy. Do yourself a favour and educate yourself. It is your people who murdered the black inhabitants they encountered when they went around conquering, raping, murdering and pillaging. Yes, the original Celts were black and so were the Huns, Arabs, Egyptians, Latin, Carthaginians (as if your pink pale skin can survive in Africa without the use of sun tan lotions, long curtains and towels on your heads), Hellenes and countless others, your barbaric ancestors from Central Asia murdered and stole the identity of. While your people were in Central Asia shitting and eating in the same spot and fucking domesticated and wild animals, there were black civilizations in Europe and other parts of the world whom you later displaced and call it your own. The Central Asian Dravidian Albinos’ version of history is nothing more than a fantasy based on their delusions of grandiose – nothing more than fantasies. What you erroneously refer to as civilization only began for you 500 years ago.

    2. Please look up the definition of racism. By definition, black people are incapable of racism. Unraveling the lies of white supremacy, retelling our history as it should be told or calling Caucasians names hardly qualifies as racism. But alas, racism according to Albinos is anything that seeks to disrupt their notion of whiteness and rightness. It is your people who have carried out policies of racism against the black/brown and even yellow people for the past 500 years. It is your peo0ple who have committed acts of genocide against people who looked nothing like you and then stole their identity. It is your people where after you have stolen the identity, land and resources of the black/brown people denied them basic human rights in their own countries. It is your people who are in stolen lands telling the original inhabitants to, “Go back where you came from.” Yes, Central Asia Dravidian Albinos such as yourself are in places like Israel, Egypt and South Africa telling the original inhabitants to go back where they came. I wish all you cave apes would pack up and go back to Central Asia. The world wouldn’t be in so much turmoil, if you would just return to your homeland and stay there.

      The lies you were taught in school are based upon Albino fantasies so that you Albinos can feel good about yourselves.

      By the way, the Chinese have acknowledge their African ancestory., Here is a video of a Chinese scientist admitting to the Chinese connection to Africa In future, please acquire some knowledge of the subject you are trying to refute. Throwing a temper tantrum just doesn’t cut it anymore since you Albinos are known to lie to suit your agenda.


    True Origin of Medusa – The lady with the snake hair? Or Dreadlocks?

    Are you a movie fan? Have you watched the great magical movie called the Head of Medusa? Did you ever think of the origin of the story and how it has some connection to Africa?

    Here is a story culled from a site called UNBIASED TALK…..that throws light on the hair and how Medusa was reported to have had snakes as his/her hair. Interesting Read:


    Medusa, a real woman, was the Afrikan serpent-goddess said to have worn a pouch around her waist containing live snakes that represented wisdom and renewal. She was said to have carried the original Gorgon mask to frighten off the unskilled, and it was painted red to symbolize the power of menstrual blood with “gruesome glaring eyes, bared fanged teeth and, like the Hindu Goddess Kali, a protruding tongue” Goddess Inspired. Her name derived from Egyptian Maat (Truth) “which also gives us the words medicine, mathematics, and Sanskrit medha (female wisdom)”. “The Gorgons were a trinity whose names were Medusa, Stheino, and Eurayle- or Wisdom, Strength, and Universality”. Blacked Out through White Wash

    Afrikan cultures were unfamiliar to the people known as Europeans, and many of the Greek mythological creatures originate from Afrikan civilizations. The snake hair assessment, assuming these people(Greeks) did not know the name of the hairstyle, referred to it as snake hair later creating classic myths depicting a goddess that actually represented truth and was not a villain, into a monster, taught in schools as Greek mythology.

    Snake hair and Dreadlocks?

    The original, real life Medusa, supposedly had dreads and the origin of dreads through ancient discoveries existed before the fictional Medusa character was recreated. She was the snake Goddess which is how Europeans formed their version of a monster with hair of snakes, with a face that would turn any man to stone because of fear, which developed from the Gorgon mask she carried with her.

  5. Before 5,500-6000 the whole world was black or the chaos and destruction started afterwards.
    Israel was part of Egypt, the Africans being treated like shit in Israel are the original inhabitants , Europeans and Americans bringing their racist agenda to African peoples land, I bet you don’t even know that the largest Hebrew kingdom was in West Africa? It spanned the whole of the west from the Guinea coast to Mali down through Niger to Nigeria.
    The truth hurts and distastful but the DNA markers for Africans has humans is 338,000 years old.
    Racism is a construct designed by Caucasians 500 years ago, so that Africans especially would be classed as lower human beings, Australian Aboriginals were classed as flora and fawna up until the 1960’s, black people were 3/4 human, quite ironic really .
    In a global caste system black people can’t be racist.

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