Brazilian mother and children A brown skin Afro-Brazilian couple has attracted the interest of scientists with their three albino children that look like so-called “white” people. The couple has two other children with brown skin just like their parents……
im not racist in anyway, but i feel you should know the genetic disorder we call being albino, has nothing to do with why “white” people have light skin. albinos are white because the cells that produce melanin dont work. white peoples work just fine. thats why albinos are much lighter in color then your average caucasian.
I disagree, there is something call adaptation. Meaning, the first whites that came to Europe were African Blacks, but due to the cold european environment their skins bodies adapted and albino. Now, there could’ve been an over population of Albino people living in Europe, where through generations their bodies became the Caucasian race. Albinos are not far fetch from the actual Caucasians, which means good news for the white society. If their race ever becomes extinct, there is a good chance that people of color will give rise again to the white society.
No it’s not White people are not albino
Most people who have more albino is african people google it and you will see
Albion can be in any race and animal
It’s happened to everyone black are to stupid to know
This is one more proof that Africa is the mother of nations
im not racist in anyway, but i feel you should know the genetic disorder we call being albino, has nothing to do with why “white” people have light skin. albinos are white because the cells that produce melanin dont work. white peoples work just fine. thats why albinos are much lighter in color then your average caucasian.
I disagree, there is something call adaptation. Meaning, the first whites that came to Europe were African Blacks, but due to the cold european environment their skins bodies adapted and albino. Now, there could’ve been an over population of Albino people living in Europe, where through generations their bodies became the Caucasian race. Albinos are not far fetch from the actual Caucasians, which means good news for the white society. If their race ever becomes extinct, there is a good chance that people of color will give rise again to the white society.
That is so cool. What a brilliant reminder we are all one people. Very moving. Once we all lived in Africa, I believe.
Something is wrong their are too many of these cases popin up.The WHITE MAN is doing something to our genes..
You think the yte boy is god? Man move your pathetic ass outta the way…
No it’s not White people are not albino
Most people who have more albino is african people google it and you will see
Albion can be in any race and animal
It’s happened to everyone black are to stupid to know