All posts by Don Jaide

Health Benefits of Magnesium Supplements: Rasta Natural Health

Magnesium Supplementation

There are wonderful benefits to taking magnesium supplements.

Magnesium is a powerful antioxidant that keeps cell membranes young, and flexible. It confers potent protection against the devastating march of cancer-causing free radicals. Magnesium maintains the body’s vitamin E supplies and thereby protect the muscles, tissues and organs against aging. read more

The Nuclear Attack on the Moon and Its Aftermatch – Lion!

The Nuclear Attack on the Moon and Its Aftermatch – Lion!

Amidst the hoopla over the Nobel Peace Prize award to Mr. Obama the president of war-mongering and arms trafficking United States of Amerika, few noticed the abject failure of one of the most hubristic project of this age conceived and launched by the “brilliant” befuddled minds of our great scientists at NASA. read more

The Jews, the Hebrews and the Israelites: Not Your Same Old Same Old – By Bishop

Ancient Hebrews of Lachish
Ancient Hebrews of Lachish
Introduction: According to the standard Jewish Encyclopaedia 96% of all the Jews known to the world today are the descendants of the Khazar tribes of Russia, eastern Europe and western Mongolia; these are the Ashkenazi Jews, the other major sect of the Jews are the Sephardic jews, and they are a bastard people from the mixing of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Girgashites, Kenites, Edomites and some true Israelites. the Jews have never been Isrealites; they are not Israelites now; and they will never be Israelites. read more