Source: http://www.beforebc.de/
Source: http://www.beforebc.de/
A special issue on JENdA, a peer-reviewed journal on culture and African women studies.
The editors are seeking submissions that focus on African women and their experiences. Submission can be a short story, poetry or play.
The Bitter Leaf and Women’s Menopause – Jide Uwechia
One of the best natural remedies for the symptoms of menopause is Bitter leaf.
Bitter leaf or Vernonia amygdalina is the name of a leafy shrub or small tree that can reach twenty three feet in height when fully grown. It is widely eaten in East and West Africa. The Nigerian Igbos call it “onugbu,” Swahili Tanzanians call it “mujonso.” The Urobos and the Itesekiris of Nigeria call it “Orugbu,” whereas the Yorubas call it Ewuro.