All posts by Don Jaide
Iran: Ahmedinajad Says Jewish Holocaust is a Lie!
“Obama is not the One.. and Black is Back For Social Justice”: Glenn Ford Speaks
Glenn Ford Speaks: “Obama is not the One.. and Black is Back For Social Justice”
If we are to head off political and existential disaster, it is critical that Black-led formations reassert themselves to reverse the paralysis that has engulfed the Black Liberation, anti-war and anti-corporate movements since the ascension of Barack Obama. The evidence has accumulated in fearsome abundance: rather than unleashing the pent-up energies and aspirations of those who suffer under the rule of profiteers and militarists – most especially, African Americans – Obama’s rise has led to wholesale surrender of Black and “progressive” leadership to the financial and war-making interests embraced by the First Black President…………………
The Moorish Pirates of the Mediteranean Sea: The Riffian Muurs of Morocco – Ogu Ejiofo Annu

Those dudes were the inventors of the science of sea travel, cartography, navigation and piracy, being Muurs, who hitherto had controlled the seas, since the times of the Phoenicians to their fall in Spain to the combined forces of Rome’s crusading hordes in 1495.
Sugar-Mania is Killing America – Rasta Medicine
Black Gold, Black Ivory: The Moorish Kings of Europe
Racist Nation, racist babies: The Blood of the Pink Viper! – News Report
An article in News week just reported that racism appears to run deep, even in the children of the so-called white people. The article reported that “at the Children’s Research Lab at the University of Texas — located in liberal Austin, the Berkeley of the Southwest — Birgitte Vittrup attempted to measure how effective propaganda is at instilling multiculturalist ideology in small children. She found that despite parents’ multi-cultural sympathies, progressive intentions and “the homogenous political correctness” of everything they see on TV, children 5 to 7 years old tended to consider blacks but not whites to be “mean.” Another researcher discovered that this racist passive aggression occurs even in so-called white babies as early as six months old.