The Pharma-Medical Brotherhood of Death: Biggest Criminal Fine in U.S. History for Pfizer – Rasta Livewire Reports
Pfizer, the world’s largest drugs company, was fined $2.3bn as part of a settlement with federal prosecutors for selling fake medication that could not treat the conditions for which it was prescribed. This is the biggest criminal fine in America’s history. read more
ln 1331 a very famous scholar and world traveler from the City of Fez, Morocco traveled down the east coast of Africa. This traveler’s name was Ibn Battuta. Ibn Battuta left in his memoir descriptions of all the foreign cities he visited all over the world. read more
LEGEND: Row A: 1-3 shows isolated, single-generational albinism as does column 4 and does not carry into a 2nd generation. Row C shows massive melanin loss so great the body is unable to be evenly pigmented; pigment exists in such small quantities, only “islands” of melanin can exist – freckles. read more
Brazilian mother and children A brown skin Afro-Brazilian couple has attracted the interest of scientists with their three albino children that look like so-called “white” people. The couple has two other children with brown skin just like their parents……read more
OTTAWA — More than one million American men have gone through needless treatment for prostate cancer since the PSA test became common more than 20 years ago, a medical journal study more
In ‘House of Numbers, an AIDS film like no other, the HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten. This is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players; in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based. ‘House of Numbers’ could well be the opening volley in a battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic gone more
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