Tariq Berry is a Black Arab whose origins lie in the Gulf of Arabia. Rasta livewire supports Tariq Berry and all the great work he is doing to give voice to the existence and struggles of the original Black Arabs of Arabia who are indeed the true and classical Arabs. Below you will find another masterpiece from Tariq Berry:
The term Sharif (nobleman) or Sayyid is used to describe a descendant of the Prophet Mohamed (SAWS) through his daughter Fatima (RAA). They are descendants of Al Hasan and Al Husein- the two sons of Ali ibn Abi Talib (RAA) and Fatima the daughter of the Prophet Mohamed (SAWS). The Prophet Mohamed (SAWS) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (RAA) are from the Bani Hashim branch of the tribe of Quraish. They are the noblest of the Arabs. The Prophet Mohamed (SAWS) and Ali ibn Abi Talib (RAA) were first cousins. Ali’s father, Abi Talib, was the brother of the Prophet’s (SAWS) father. Once it has been established that the Bani Hashim were a black-skinned people, there should be no need to prove that the pure Arabs of the past were, in general, a black-skinned people.read more
Sen. Ted Kennedy died shortly before midnight Tuesday at his home in Hyannis Port, Mass., at age 77.
Kennedy was rushed to the hospital after having convulsions during Barack Obama’s inaugural luncheon. His support and guidance were crucial in securing the Presidency for Barack Obama.read more
From, Ugonabo Onwa Amene Esq.
an Attorney who practices
mostly in the International Court of Trade.
Our history as a people should neither be a mystery nor a guess work. It must be written by us for us based on our knowledge of what was, what is and what will forever be as children of Onicha: a divine town of assured prospects; a town that was oriented and aligned to sacred stars of the immortal galaxies; a town, that was divinely inspired and strategically founded on the sacred banks of God’s own river, the Niger. Onicha, the sacred abode, uniquely ordained to soar and tower above all obstacles; a town, where the immortal flame of God’s own love will forever glow. read more
Hausa bibleHausa-Moor and the kingly FezHausa Koran (Maghrei Script)Hausa-Moorish Architecture - 16th Century The Hausa-Moorish Camel CavalryHausa-Moorish Soldierhausa-Kemetic groundnut pyramid pileTraditional Moorish-Hausa Architecture
The Moorish Refugees of the Hausa City-States of present-day Nigeria
– By –
Jide Uwechia
The Moors ruled on the Iberian kingdom of Granada, as the last Moorish kingdom in Spain until the 2nd of January in 1492 when they were conquered by the armies of Ferdinand and Isabelle.read more
hamid gul talks in his uninhibited way to j.r. hammond
Ex-ISI Chief Says Purpose of New Afghan Intelligence
Agency RAMA Is ‘to destabilize Pakistan’read more
Nigeria Rescues 400 Stranded Cameroonians On The High Sea
By David Ogah
NIGERIA yesterday rescued no fewer than four hundred Cameroonians from drowning in the high sea when their passenger vessels, conveying them to Cutonu, Republic of Benin to Gabon, ran short of fuel and drifted for several hours on the high sea.read more
Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues