One billion people now live in Africa, says a new report. The continent’s population is growing by about 24 million a year, and will double to nearly two billion by 2050, the report adds.
All posts by Don Jaide
Scientists Prove DNA Evidence Can Be Faked: Flashback to OJ Simpson’s DNA Evidence – News Report
Israeli Scientists Prove DNA Evidence Can Be Faked
Scientists in Israel have discovered a way to prove that DNA evidence can be faked.
Long considered the most solid proof in any criminal court case, the biological goods can easily be planted at a crime scene, according to Dan Frumkin, lead author of a paper published in the online journal Forensic Science International: Genetics. “You can just engineer a crime scene,” Frumkin contends. “Any biology undergraduate could perform this.”
Israeli Government Outraged By “Blood Libel” – News Reports
Libyan Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi: Profile of a Scapegoat
Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession: The War On Drugs is Ending… – News Report
Israeli Army Accused of Illegal Human Organ Trafficking: Body Snatchers – News Report
A leading Swedish newspaper claims Israeli soldiers kidnap Palestinians to steal their organs and sell them in the black market.
In an article titled They plunder the organs of our sons, the daily Aftonbladet said Israeli soldiers abduct young Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip and return their bodies to their families after removing their organs.
Cannabis Treats Prostate Cancer – New Study
European Secret Societies: Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaliers, Swiss Knights (Banking and Maritime Cults)
Philosopher Kings 2: The Knights Templar’s Revenge
by Paul A Drockton M.A.
Lightening Bolt Wins Again – News Report
Haplogroup J and the Jewish Cohen Modal Haplotype – Ishaq Al-Sulaimani
Haplogroup J and the Jewish Cohen Modal Haplotype
Ishaq Al-Sulaimani
DNA evidence does not support the
claim that the Jewish people living
in Israel are descendants of the
ancient Israelites. On the contrary
DNA evidence proves that the vast
majority of Jewish people around the
world are not Israelite by patrilineal
descent meaning of the seed of
Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.