All posts by Don Jaide

Eric Holder Reads The Riot Act To American Racists, Red Necks and Rightwing nutcases – by – The African Lion

holderThe Lion Begins To Roars: Eric Holder Reads The Riot Act To American Red Necks and Rightwing – by – The African Lion

Speaking at the Washington Lawyers’ Committee conference on Tuesday June 16, 2009, Eric Holder, the Attorney General and Chief Law Officer of the United States pledged that the Department of Justice would do all it could to deter domestic violence and extremism. read more

Bitter Leaf: Anti-Cancer, Anti-Diabetic, Anti-HIV

Nigerian Doctor Patents Anti-Cancer, Anti-Diabetic Anti-HIV formula from Bitter Leaf

Nigerian born Professor of Biology, Ernest Izevbigie, has patented a formula made from bitter leaf (vernonia amygdalina). This formula is a proven anti-diabetic and anti-cancer formula in laboratory and clinical trials. This formula product can also benefit HIV/AIDS patients. See U.S. Patent 6,713,098 in 2004 and the second 6,848,604 in 2005. read more