Wannabe “Virus” Prince Philip Attacks Big Families
Nazi collaborator and racist advocate of mass genocide argues for global Chinese-style one child policy
All posts by Don Jaide
Mystical Signs in African Skies: The Skies of Kano
Cloud causes panic in Kano
Written by Jaafar Jaafar, Kano
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Mixed feelings of surprise and confusion yesterday pervaded Kano metropolis as people gathered to peek at uneven strands of cloud that appeared in the sky, forming a strong likeness of the name of Allah and Prophet Muhammad in Arabic.
Drunken Sexual Deviants of Europe
The late Kenyan Revolution
The Black (First) Europeans: African Slavs, African Celts – Edited by Ogu Eji Ofo Annu
Black Kushites of Sumer and Akkad – by – Clyde Winters Ph.D
Kushites of Sumer and Akkad
Clyde Winters Ph.D
Controversy surrounding the Kushite/African/Black origins of the Elamites, Sumerians, Akkadians and “Assyrians†is simple and yet complicated. It involves both the racism exhibited toward the African slaves in the Western Hemisphere and Africans generally which led to the idea that Africans had no history ; and the need of Julius Oppert to make Semites white, to accommodate the “white†ancestry of European Jews.
Miracle of The Sun in Addis Abebe, Ethiopia
Miracle of the Sun In Addis Abebe Ethiopia: Ring of Red Gold and Green around the Sun
By Jide Uwechia
Tuesday April 15 2008
According to newsreports, a halo of red gold and green colours hanging around the sun startled people in Ethiopia on April 13, 2008, with many seeing it as a miracle or a sign from God.
Alicia Keys raps “Gun-sta” Rap – by The Lion!
Meaning of A Negro and The One Drop Rule : The Laws of Louisiana
Meaning of A Negro and The One Drop Rule : The Laws of Louisiana
Litigation on the subject of the definition ofthe free person of color reached its climax in the year of our Lord,1909, when Judge Frank D. Chretien defined the word Negro as differentiated from person of color as used in Louisiana. The case, as it was argued in court, was briefly this. It was charged that one Treadway, a white man, was living in illegal relations with an octoroon, Josephine Lightell.