All posts by Don Jaide

25th May: Africa Day

25th May: Africa Day

25th May is Africa Day, commemorating the date when the Organization of African Unity was set up in 1963. In July 2002, this organization was replaced by the African Union. 44 years on, what is the significance of Africa Day? Is it just another day, just another cause for the rich and powerful who use Africa to feather their own nests to make another pretty buck or has something actually been achieved? read more

The Original Black African Arabs of Arabia Part 4 (The Black Stone, The Black Tribe of Koreysh, The Black Prophet By Ogu Eji Ofo Anu

The Black Stone, the Black Tribe of Koreysh, the Black Prophet

The Kaaba – the Black Stone

The Kaaba was a pagan shrine of great antiquity which housed the black stone, a meteorite that was probably brought by the Kushitic Black Arabs from Kushitic Ethiopia where such worship was routine. Pagan rites were routinely performed at the Kaaba in Mecca. read more

Notes On Rescue -by- Numo Nagamma

Further thoughts on what shortys 12-13 need to know


When members of a group whether armed force, tribe, family, company or sport’s team etc. get kidnapped their people usually do everything in their power to rescue them. To set them free….to get them back. To REDEEM them. It’s their responsibility and duty. read more