Just how anti-black sentiments became so deeply entrenched even within populations of ‘ethiopic’ ancestry is a complex matter. In the end the real lesson probably lies in understanding the affect that all myths, legends and stories can have on the human group-mind and in shaping the everyday behavior of ordinary people.read more
Compared to the fate of Africans of the Americas, the history of Africans in India is still largely unknown to the west.
There are small communities like Jambur scattered along India’s west coast. They are the home to the descendants of Africans who arrived on theIndian continent thousands of years ago. Many of them travelled there as mercenaries, merchants and sailors.read more
To the sputtering fury of a Bush administration who has repeatedly conspired with Venezuela’s elite to drive Hugo Chavez from power, the Black Indian President of this oil-rich nation has scored a decisive 59% victory over a recall effort.read more
Black African Pharmacopoeia — Kushitic Tetracycline
By Ogu-Eji-Ofo Anu
For more than two decades, a group of researchers led by George Armelagos an anthropologist from Emroy University Atlanta Georgia have studied bones dated to between A.D. 350 and 550 from Kush (Nubia), another ancient African kingdom south of ancient Egypt along the Nile River.read more
Scientific world has finally reached the conclusion that all humans have the same roots and the same place of origin. First Russian archeological expedition going to Northern Iran is hoping to discover world’s most ancient human remains. Scientists will perform field researches in order to determine the oldest location bearing evidence of ancient human migration from Africa.read more
“Nuclear energy has become a veritable source for socio-economic development and a reliable source for electricity generation. We note in particular the global trend for the utilisation of nuclear technology for the generation of electricity, agricultural development, human health and environmental development, especially for developing countries.read more
In case there are some who may think the above rendering is just some “Afrocentric fabrication” it is worth noting that all of this information has existed in ancient writings for thousands of years.read more
East African Coastal Historical Towns. Asiatic or African?
Jacob L. Kimaryo*
The East African coast is dotted with ruined and extant historical towns of significant cultural importance. Albeit the builders and inhabitants of these towns are known to have been the Swahili, who these historic people were in terms of their origin has been a matter of serious debate since the beginning of the 20th century. So far two perspectives have emerged out of this debate, which respectively advocate for Asiatic and African ancestries of the historic Swahili.read more
Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues