Haile Selassie Christmas Interview with Dr. Oswald Hoffman
December 25, 1968
Question: Your Imperial Majesty, it is a great honour to be permitted to speak with you today and also to have you as a guest on this special Christmas programme which will be broadcast to people all over the world. Your Imperial Majesty, what is it that makes you want to follow Jesus Christ?read more
You have no right to say who can and who cannot be rasta, regardless of their race or colour! First of all one doe’s not become a rasta. Rastafari becomes one. Adam and Eve were the first Ethiopians to produce Gentiles, the word Gentile is a noun, it is a name or insignia for all straight haired people on the face of the earth. Most of the Gentiles are said to be of Japhet’s generations. The smaller portion of Gentiles come from the Shemitic line, they are called Edomites and Zarhites. These are the nations from Japhet line Japhetic or Japhites. GOMER, MAGOG, MADAI, JAVAN, TUBAL, MESHECH and TIRAS. Everyone on the face of the earth regardless of race and colour come from Ethiopia, even white people. read more
** Dated June 17, 1960, the first letter was sent to the Emperor commending him for his speech warning Africa against becoming dependent on loans from Europe and America.read more
Before Columbus:
Black Explorers
of the New World
By Legrand H. Clegg II
Every October Americans pause to celebrate Columbus Day. Children are taught that the Italian navigator discovered America. Parades are held in his honor and tributes tell of his skill, courage and perseverance.read more
(2012)Ancient Migratory Events in the Middle East: New Clues from the Y-Chromosome Variation of Modern Iranians – Viola Grugni1, Alessandro Achilli2, , Antonio Torroni1, Ornella Semino1,4*read more
Here is a interesting FACT that you may not be aware of. They have never sequenced the DNA of the ancient Judaeans/ Israelites. All studies done are on modern peoples claiming ancient Israelite ancestry. Until the ancient DNA of the Judaeans/Israelites are actually sequenced the so-called DNA studies used are just theories.
http://digitalcommons.wayne.edu/humbiol/vol85/iss6/7/read more
Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues