Category Archives: Africa House
Ethiopia warns Egypt to back off talks of war over the River Nile
Bantu Origins of Ancient Egyptians
Y-chromosome haplotypes in Egypt
Scientists filtered Y-chromosome haplotypes in the Nile River Valley in Egypt in 274 unrelated males, using the p49a,f TaqI polymorphism. These individuals were born in three regions along the river: in Alexandria (the Delta and Lower Egypt), in Upper Egypt, and in Lower Nubia. Fifteen different p49a,f TaqI haplotypes are present in Egypt, the three most common being haplotype V, haplotype XI, and haplotype IV.
Hooray! South Africa’s Boers farmers are running back to Europe! – So-called south African white farmers go home to Caucasus!
The Nigerian Police and State make Economic War on Innocent Farmers and Traders
The police in Auchi, Edo State have arrested an unnamed aide of a member of the House of Representatives from Zamfara State with bags of cannabis.
A statement from the Edo State Police Command on Wednesday said the aide was arrested in a 407 Peugeot car with registration no NASS FL 142 REP. The statement said the suspect was the lone occupant of the vehicle, which was conveying 10 bags of weeds suspected to be Indian hemp.
The History of the Moors in Europe Part 3 – Dr Jose Pimienta-Bey
The History of the Moors in Europe Part 1 – Dr. Jose Pimienta-Bey
Kemit Ta Meri – The Land of the Blacks
Why are the Ethiopians and Egyptians bandy-legged? Is it because
of that the body of itself creates, because of disturbance by heat, like
loss of wood when they become dry? The condition of their hair supports this theory; for it is curlier than that of other
nations…” (Aristotle, _Problemata_ 909, 7)