This is an exercept of a speech Mummar Ghadafi made in the Nigeria city of Kano:
Your forefathers were Arabs from Yemen who settled here over five thousand years ago. The Arabs arrived in Africa, settled in Africa and gave the name of jana to what today is called Ghana. Jana, an arabic word, means a small paradise. The Arabs gave all the names you hear when they reached the atlantic Ocean. Your origins are Arab and so are your kith and kin. read more
Frankincense TreeThe African Frankincense: The Beloved Perfume of the Ancestral Guides of Punt
By Jide Uwechia
The Catholic church is one of the biggest buyers and users of incense in today’s world. Muslim Somalia, is the Roman Catholic’s Church biggest supplier. The Vatican mostly buys Somalian frankincense, the fabled perfume of the Gods of Punt, to burn for their own god Jesus the son of Mary. read more
… the son of a slaveholder and an almost white slave
who was so white that “the closest obsever could not
detect in his appearance any trace of African descent.”
His father sent him off for an education and trade and
he “married an estimable young white woman, and had
a family of five or six children,” all of this without
“the slightest knowledge of the [ ] African blood in
his veins, and no one in the neighborhood knew that
he was the son of an octoroon slave more
Sometimes one sees some real wonders in nature that explain just how the universe really works. In the video posted here one sees some hippopotamuses toying with the notoriously visceral and lethal crocodiles without any fear nor more
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