Category Archives: Africa House

Kenyan Paedophilia Charges Against the Roman Catholic Church aka “Paedophiles r Us”

Abuse charge against Catholic priest roils Kenya: By TOM ODULA

After three young men and a boy told police last June an Italian priest had been sexually molesting them for years at a shelter for poor children, the most senior Roman Catholic cleric in Kenya announced the church would investigate thoroughly. read more

Mandela’s Gun: The Gun that Emperor Haile Selassie Gave Dr. Nelson Mandela

Mandela and his Ethiopian Military Training Instructor Col Wakenu

Nelson Mandela and his law partner Oliver Tambo in Addis Ababa 1962Nelson Mandela and his law partner Oliver Tambo in Addis Ababa 1962

[“In 1962, Mr. Nelson Mandela secretly travelled to Ethiopia for military, political and spiritual training. Haile Selassie’s Ethiopian army, on the orders of Haile Selassie himself first trained and armed Nelson Mandela in his struggle against apartheid South Africa. On the personal orders of his Majesty, the Ethiopian Colonel in charge of Mandela’s military training gave him a gun with which he was to bring down the ignoble and unhappy apartheid regime still thriving at that time in South Africa. Mandela went back to South Africa to continue his struggle. The rest is history. The subject of the News-story that follows below concerns that very gun that Haile Selassise provided Nelson Mandela… ” – Editor’s Note: per Rasta Livewire]. read more