Category Archives: Africa House

The great controversy: Abune Paulos’ statue – By Eskinder Nega

By Eskinder Nega | August 20, 2010

The controversial statue of Abune Paulos

Clad in the distinctive black robe of the Orthodox clergy, Abune Petros, one of Ethiopia’s four native-born Abuns (equivalent to Bishops) under an Egyptian Copt Patriarch, stood in a manifestly noble pose before an Italian military tribunal in 1936, the year that Fascist Italy invaded Ethiopia.
A preposterously pompous Colonel presided over the proceedings. He was visibly relishing his moment in the spotlight. “The Patriarch has acceded to Italian rule,” began the Colonel darting his eyes dramatically between the hushed audience and the towering Abun. “Why then do you alone,” — a deliberate stop here for effect — “choose to disagree? Why did you rebel?” read more

Howell: Man of heroic proportions by Louis E.A. Moyston

In a recent discussion with Monty Howell, elder son of Leonard P Howell, I told him that in any other country, his father, the philosopher and founder of the Rastafari Movement, would have been a hero. Indeed, Howell is a man of heroic proportions. His ideas and activities spawned a national and worldwide movement. Enveloped in the idea of Ethiopianism, the Rastafarian ideas and movement have played a critical role in the building of a national society in Jamaica. It has had profound influence in the area of music, literature and thought construction and industrial mission experiment at Pinnacle. The idea of Rastafari played a most powerful role in politics in Jamaica, from Ras Sam Brown’s role in elected politics to Michael Manley’s 1972 campaign with that “rod of correction”. read more