Category Archives: Articles

Drug Laws Harm Teens More Than Marijuana

The Law Adds to the Harm by Joseph D. McNamara

The appearance of any new study indicating an increase in marijuana use by youth is always a prelude to a renewed government surge in America’s war on drugs. But let’s be realistic about our options. It’s not as though tough enforcement keeps kids away from marijuana. Usage goes up and down no matter what we do. By keeping marijuana illegal, we nudge youngsters into contact with real criminals engaged in the drug trade. Then we bust kids, giving them a criminal record. read more

Our Black Lawyers: From Charles Hamilton Houston to Barack Obama and on…

Before there was Johnnie Cochran, there was Charles Hamilton Houston.

Below is a TBS video made in its 1991 Black History Month Series. In this video, Barack Obama, then the first black president of Harvard Law Review, renders homage to Charles Hamilton Houston another great black ancestor, a legal legend who made the way and shone the light for many of alive today. read more