Category Archives: Articles

The Premonitions of the ACLU of Oklahoma in February 2009: Airport Body Scanners

ACLU Backgrounder on Body Scanners and “Virtual Strip Searches”

The Transportation Security Administration is installing new “whole body imaging” machines at some airports around the country – essentially taking a naked picture of air passengers as they pass through security checkpoints. In short, this technology is a “virtual strip search.” As of June 2008, the machines are reportedly being deployed at BWI airport, Dallas/Fort Worth, LAX, JFK, Reagan National, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Detroit, Phoenix, and Miami. read more

Scientific Fraudulence and Gullible Masses: Climategate – News Report

Scientific Fraudulence and Gullible Masses: Climategate – News Report

On the eve of the Copenhagen Summit, the scandal broke out that honest scientists have warned that the results were manipulated. Someone from the IPCC decided to tamper with data so that the curve of the graph of temperatures over a thousand years in 2000 reflected a sudden and unexpected heat they called “hockeystick” due to the shape of a “stick” used in ice hockey . read more