Category Archives: Articles

“White” Cannibals of Europe: Man’s Body Sold to Russian Kebab Shop – News Report

This series entitled “white” cannibals of Europe will give voice to the hidden but pervasive history of cannibalism, necrophilia, and necromancy in Europe among western and eastern European nations. The series will present incontrovertible evidence, often provided by so called “white” European authorities and intellectuals often writing for the local “white” elites who still read and understand the real history as opposed to the reality T.V. read more

Human Traffickers n Russian Organs – Rasta Livewire Reports

It’s so bad in Russia; People are Selling People for their Organs: Human Traffickers Selling Russian Organs – Rasta Livewire Reports

A man who tried to sell a young woman for her organs was arrested in the south-west part of Moscow. Temur, a 29-year old citizen of Tashkent, brought his 18-yearl old relative to Moscow with the intentions of making €50,000 from her. read more

The Ugandan Soldiers of Fortune in Iraq – Rasta Livewire Reports

Ugandan Iraqi-War Contractors
Ugandan Iraqi-War Contractors
The Ugandan Soldiers of Fortune in Iraq – Rasta Livewire Reports

In the duplicitous market of Iraq war industry, where reality is full of smoke and mirrors, a security services firm known as Watertight Security Services (WSS) has been training and sending thousands of Ugandans as mecenaries and security guards to Iraq since 2007. read more

“White” Cannibals of Europe: Medical Cannibalism in Europe – Hidden History

This series entitled "white" cannibals of Europe will give voice to the hidden but pervasive history of cannibalism, necrophilia, and necromancy in Europe among western and eastern European nations. The series will present incontrovertible evidence, often provided by so called "white" European authorities and intellectuals often writing for an local "white" elites who still read and understand real history as opposed to reality T.V.

Here Rasta Livewire presents: The Cannibals of Europe....