Category Archives: Articles

Obama Presidency and Red-Neck Racists – Get Over It Sucker…We Won!

Yes, We Can!
Yes, We Can!
Andrew M. Manis: When Are We Going to Get Over It?

For much of the last forty years, ever since America “fixed” its race problem in the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, we white people have been impatient with African Americans who continued to blame race for their difficulties. Often we have heard whites ask, “When are African Americans finally going to get over it? Now I want to ask: “When are we White Americans going to get over our ridiculous obsession with skin color? read more

The Lost Moorish Igbo-Israelites of Sao Tome: The Hebrew Tribes of Biafra – by – Iroabuchi

Edited March 12th. 2009

Words to look to look at


The Moors, anglocised for Omoros (omo oro) meaning ‘children of light’ and not ‘light children’ can be translated as ’sons of civilization’. They collonized Europe and helped to bring modern civilization to them. They dominated Europe for 400 years. read more

Portuguese Slave Raiders in Africa: The old Luso-African kingdom of Angola – written by – Nehesy; edited by Rasta Livewire

Portuguese Slave Raiders in Africa: The old Luso-African kingdom of Angola – written by – Nehesy; Edited by Rasta Livewire

Many have been hoodwinked into believeing a white-washed version of the history of the enslavement of black people in Africa and their transportation en-masse to the Americas. read more