Bill Surkis, un leader de la communauté juive, est accusé de possession de matériel de pornographie juvénile. Il a comparu au palais de justice de Montréal, vendredi après-midi.
Category Archives: Articles
Professor Ivan van Sertima Transits…News Report
Ras Muhamad – Indonesia’s Rastafari Ambassador – By African Lion!
Herbal Cures For Diabetes
The face of the first Europeans – by – Oguejiofor Annu

Revealed: the face of the first European – the first Black Europeans – by -Oguejiofor Annu
A consortium of European artists and scientists working for the forthcoming BBC 2 documentary series “The Incredible Human Journey” recently reconstructed the face of the first modern European and it turns out to be the face of an ancient so-called “Black” African immigrant. S/He probably lived 35,000 years ago in the ancient forests of the Carpathian Mountains around the present day Romania.
Black African Moors of The Great Senegal Empire Pt 2
Sanhajal and Ghana – Two Great African Empires of Western Sudan:
In 1075, the Almoravids army of the Sanhaja Empire conquered and absorbed parts of the old Ghana Empire. Ghana declined and degraded into a collection of motley tribal units shortly thereafter. One must note that old Ghana Empire was in the areas of modern day southern Mauritania.
Black African Moors of The Great Senegal Empire Pt 1
By Jide Uwechia
African Queen Califia – Mother of the State of California – Marc Washington
Obama Administration: The War on Drugs is Over
Igbo Hebrews of Africa – News Report
Igbo Jews of Africa as detailed in Forward – The Jewish Daily
LAGOS, Nigeria – Efraim Uba was born and raised Catholic in southeastern Nigeria, the homeland of the Ibo ethnic group. He spent 17 years as a Pentecostal preacher before joining a messianic congregation where members wore yarmulkes and tallits but praised Jesus. In 1999, one congregant traveled to Israel and came back claiming that the Ibos were Jews. He convinced the whole congregation to embrace Judaism.