JERUSALEM — Devout Jews around the world on Wednesday observed a ritual performed only once every 28 years, saying their morning prayers under the open sky in a ceremony called the “blessing of the sun.”
Category Archives: Articles
The Healing of the Nation: Cure for Cancer
LONDON (Reuters) – The active ingredient in marijuana appears to reduce tumour growth, according to a Spanish study published on Wednesday.
The researchers showed giving THC to mice with cancer decreased tumour growth and killed cells off in a process called autophagy.
“Our findings support that safe, therapeutically efficacious doses of THC may be reached in cancer patients,” Guillermo Velasco of Complutense University in Madrid and colleagues reported in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
The Bla-Maors – The Black Vikings And The Black Danes – Compiled by Invasion2012
This illustration of Viking Varangian troops near Moscow is from the chronicle of Skylitzis, he was a Greek historian, dead c. 1100
A Description of the Black Vikings of Europe By Renowned European Writers – Compiled By- Invasion2012
“blá-maðr, m. A BLACK MAN, NEGRO, i.e. AN ETHIOPIAN, Al. 51, Orkn. 364 (referring to A.D. 1152), distinguished from the Saracens and Arabians; three ‘blámenn’ were sent as a present to the German emperor Frederic the Second, Fms. x. 3: in romances blámenn are mentioned as A KIND OF ‘BERSERKERS,’” q.v., Finnb. ch. 16, Kjalnes. S. ch. 15; cp. Scott’s Ivanhoe, note B. See AN ICELANDIC-ENGLISH DICTIONARY by Richard Cleasby and Gudbrand Vigfusson(1874)
Gaddafi and the United States of Africa Project
Gaddafi and the United States of Africa Project
Now that Muammar Gaddafi has assumed the chairmanship of the African Union despite manipulations and whispering campaigns of Western interests [twice, Western interference has thwarted Gaddafi’s access to the AU chair] the usual arguments are being trotted out in the Western press to ridicule and diminish the goals of African unity. He is being excoriated by the usual suspects as ‘erratic’ and ‘impractical’ with unnamed African ‘leaders’ thrown in the mix expressing ‘distrust’ of Gaddafi’s ‘agenda.’
Weird Sexual Attraction: Caucasian Men Sleeping with Hairy Yeti Women
Caucasian Men Sleeping with Weird Hairy Yeti Women
A Report from Pravda:
A sensational incident took place in the Chegemsky Gorge of the Northern Caucasus. Researchers found evidence to prove the existence of Bigfoot in the area. Local residents say that Yeti females – people refer to these weird creatures as the Almasty – come into contact with humans and even attempted to have a sexual intercourse with local men.
Arabic Terms Used for Skin Complexions – The Black Arabs Encore
The African Eve – Black Mother of All Created Beings
Posted to the web April 19, 2002
Charles Cobb Jr.
Washington, DC
In a television documentary scheduled for airing on the Discovery Channel this Sunday, humankind is said to share a common genetic link that can be traced to one woman who lived in Africa more than 150,000 years ago. Using a unique part of human DNA called mitochondrial DNA” which is passed from mother to daughter, “The Real Eve”, narrated by actor Danny Glover, tracks the movement of humanity from this common ancestor across geography and millennia. AllAfrica’s Charles Cobb Jr. spoke with the film’s producer, Paul Ashton. Excerpts:
Fear of Blackness: Descriptions and Ethnogenesis of the original Afro-Arabian tribes of “Moorish” Spain By Dana Marniche

Fear of Blackness: Descriptions and Ethnogenesis of the original Afro-Arabian tribes of “Moorish” Spain
“…a fair-skinned Arab is something inconceivable… “ Ibn Abd Rabbu of Cordoba born 9thc. in El Iqd el Farid (The Precious Necklace), quoting Shuraik el-Qadi a 7th century Arab of the clan of Nakha’l of the Maddhij in the Yemen.