Category Archives: Articles

Africa, Past, Present and the Future – Adama Diallo

What Africans do inherit from Past and colonialism – by Adama Diallo

We do not know who we are, our identities have been changed said Algerian President Bouteflika stating the consequences of colonialism on Africans.
Once you start talking about civilization and identity most “educated” Africans withdraw with horror as they fear you propose them to go back living under the hut next to a pond. read more

African Philosophy: The fundamentals of Odinani by M.O. Ene

The fundamentals of Odinani


Odinani is anchored on the sanctity of Ani, the Earth Deity,


The Igbo traditional religion is a philosophy that has stood the test of time. To understand the basis for Igbo philosophy, we must understand first the Igbo concept of the Cosmos, a logical concept that makes few pretensions about the great unknown. This concept has survived the introduction of Middle Eastern religious beliefs and modern science. The Igbo belief is therefore both metaphysical and scientific as well as sacred and socioenvironmental. read more

Caucasoid Features – By Tukuler

Why are certain features Caucasoid? – By Tukuler

Because the inventors of the anthropological term say so.

That’s it, pure and simple.

The Anglo division of Indo-European speakers who
so love the words Caucasian and caucasoid neither
speak the languages, originate in, nor look like the
peoples of the Caucasus Mountains who are not Indo
Europeans nor hardly much related to Indo Europeans
in any way. read more