Category Archives: News Reports

Additional Black Magic (Khemistry): G.A.G.U.T. (God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem) – Professor Gabriel Oyibo Teaches on Video

“Gabriel Audu Oyibo is a Nigerian mathematician who solved the Grand Unification Theory – popularly known as the “Theory of Everything” or “The Holy Grail of Mathematics and Physics”, in 1990, by discovering the GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT). read more

The Raped And Ravaged “White” Children Of Australia – A Psycho-Historical Retrospect

The following article is not an apologia for rudeness and wickedness of the racist culture of Australia. But it does give one an inkling of where the thoughtlessness and heartlessness of it all arose…and it is in the horrible and heart chilling tales of rape and abuse that were so rampant in the history of the development of the so-called white culutre of Australia. Read below an excerpt of the unspeakable abominations routinely perpertrated by so-called “white” against “white” on the lost and stolen Black continent of Australia…. read more