Category Archives: News Reports
It’s a Hard Life in Russia: Human Organs Trafficking Prospers Amid Crisis – News Report
The Medical Killing of Anna Nicole Smith: Doctors Go On Trial – News Report
The Medical Killing of Mrs Stella Obasanjo: Doctor Goes To Jail – Rasta News
Open Call for Short Stories and Poems (Jenda Journal)
A special issue on JENdA, a peer-reviewed journal on culture and African women studies.
The editors are seeking submissions that focus on African women and their experiences. Submission can be a short story, poetry or play.
Canadian Doctor Cures Cancer: Pharmaceutical Companies are Mad as Hell!
Iran: Ahmedinajad Says Jewish Holocaust is a Lie!
“Obama is not the One.. and Black is Back For Social Justice”: Glenn Ford Speaks
Glenn Ford Speaks: “Obama is not the One.. and Black is Back For Social Justice”
If we are to head off political and existential disaster, it is critical that Black-led formations reassert themselves to reverse the paralysis that has engulfed the Black Liberation, anti-war and anti-corporate movements since the ascension of Barack Obama. The evidence has accumulated in fearsome abundance: rather than unleashing the pent-up energies and aspirations of those who suffer under the rule of profiteers and militarists – most especially, African Americans – Obama’s rise has led to wholesale surrender of Black and “progressive” leadership to the financial and war-making interests embraced by the First Black President…………………
Racist Nation, racist babies: The Blood of the Pink Viper! – News Report
An article in News week just reported that racism appears to run deep, even in the children of the so-called white people. The article reported that “at the Children’s Research Lab at the University of Texas — located in liberal Austin, the Berkeley of the Southwest — Birgitte Vittrup attempted to measure how effective propaganda is at instilling multiculturalist ideology in small children. She found that despite parents’ multi-cultural sympathies, progressive intentions and “the homogenous political correctness” of everything they see on TV, children 5 to 7 years old tended to consider blacks but not whites to be “mean.” Another researcher discovered that this racist passive aggression occurs even in so-called white babies as early as six months old.