Category Archives: News Reports

Uganda Strikes Black Gold: Some Petro-Dollars For Museveni – News Report

The discovery of vast oil reserves in Uganda has caused excitement across the country, and more than a touch of anxiety too. Energy companies have recently found more than 700m barrels of commercially viable oil in the pristine Albertine Graben region, representing the first major petroleum strike in east Africa. Tullow Oil, the FTSE 100 company leading the exploration, believes the exploitable deposits could exceed 1.5bn barrels, reserves comparable to Equatorial Guinea and the Republic of Chad . read more

Scientists Prove DNA Evidence Can Be Faked: Flashback to OJ Simpson’s DNA Evidence – News Report

Israeli Scientists Prove DNA Evidence Can Be Faked

Scientists in Israel have discovered a way to prove that DNA evidence can be faked.

Long considered the most solid proof in any criminal court case, the biological goods can easily be planted at a crime scene, according to Dan Frumkin, lead author of a paper published in the online journal Forensic Science International: Genetics. “You can just engineer a crime scene,” Frumkin contends. “Any biology undergraduate could perform this.” read more