Cannabis Treats Prostate Cancer – New Study
Following the growing interest in medical benefits of cannabis, a new study finds that the compound can help fight prostate cancer.
Africa: U.S. Military Holds War Games on Nigeria, Somalia
by Daniel Volman
August 15, 2009
-In addition to U.S. military officers and intelligence officers, “Unified Quest 2008” brought together participants from the State Department and other U.S. government agencies, academics, journalists, and foreign military officers (including military representatives from several NATO countries, Australia, and Israel), along with the private military contractors who helped run the war games: the Rand Corporation and Booz-Allen.
A former Los Angeles priest convicted of molesting boys has been called before a federal grand jury investigating how the L.A. archdiocese and Cardinal Roger Mahony handled priest abuse cases, a source told The Times.
Biological Warfare via Vaccination against Nigerian Children: How Big Pharma Controls Population Rates in Africa
LONDON – Polio, the dreaded paralyzing disease stamped out in the industrialized world, is spreading in Nigeria. And health officials say in some cases, it’s caused by the vaccine used to fight it.
Domestic Terrorists Under Watch: Threats Against the President of United States by so-called “white” Supremacy Groups:
Experts who track hate groups across the U.S. are growing increasingly concerned over violent rhetoric targeted at President Obama, especially as the debate over health care intensifies and a pattern of threats emerges.