Category Archives: News Reports

The Chemical Additives in Your Food and Water Products – Healthwise

When next you walk into a store to buy any packaged product ranging from food to cleaning detergents, watch out for the names of the chemicals addressed in the following paragraphs. They are the silent killers in our midst, the reason for our sickness and pains. They suck the joy out of life, with their disruptive effects on the biological and chemical system of humans. They are the products of the multi-billion supra-national chemical companies of the industrialized west, which make nothing but garbage, plastics, and despair. These chemicals are everywhere, in your beers, your wines, your pizzas and your milk, your hair dye, creme and other body care products. [Editor’s comment] read more

Body Snatchers: Your kindly Jewish Rabbi kidney broker resells organs from poorest nations on black market – Rastalivewire Reports

*Jul 23 - 00:05*Jewish Rabbi Arrested For Black Market Trade In Human Organs From Third World.

Rastalivewire first reported on this trade one year ago in connection with the Zoe Ark Project in Chad Africa which was a human organ harvesting project jointly run with the French government. It was exposed but then quickly hushed up with the intervention of President Sarkozy who paid an impromtu visit to the Chadian President and pressured him to quieten down the matter. read more