White Collar Crimes
It appears that high level white collar type robber has just occurred at the Royal Canadian Mint, the institution that prints physical cash, and mints gold coins for the Canadian government.
Mr. Harold Smith was a colonial officer posted to duty in Africa. He served in many African countries including Nigeria. As an insider in the British colonial system, Mr. Smith has a lot of interesting views and ideas to provide. Here Rasta Livewire presents excerpts of his views and accounts of colonial socio-political malfeasace of the imperialist, racists, and so-called colonists:
By Marcus Garvey
The Failure of Emperor Haile Selassie
It is a pity that a man of the limited intellectual calibre and weak political character like Haile Selassie became Emperor of Abyssinia at so crucial a time in the political history of the world. Unfortunately, Abyssinia lost the controlling influence of a political personality of patriotic racial character like the late Menelik, whose loyalty to his race and devotion to his country excelled all his other qualities, to the extent that he was able to use that very strength to continuously safeguard the interests of the Ethiopian Empire. What he did so well to preserve, a cringing, white slave hero worshipper, visionless and disloyal to his country, threw away. This is the impression the serious minded political student forms of the conduct of the ex-Emperor of Abyssinia.