Frankincense TreeThe African Frankincense: The Beloved Perfume of the Ancestral Guides of Punt
By Jide Uwechia
The Catholic church is one of the biggest buyers and users of incense in today’s world. Muslim Somalia, is the Roman Catholic’s Church biggest supplier. The Vatican mostly buys Somalian frankincense, the fabled perfume of the Gods of Punt, to burn for their own god Jesus the son of Mary. read more
The Queen of England (First Daughter Pre-eminent of the Goths) and Duke of Edinburgh (Universal Grand-Master Mason Emeritus of the Goths), and Pope Boniface the 16th (Pontifex Maximus of the Goths who conquered Rome and civilization) in England today Sep 17, 2010 plotting….. A picture is worth a thousand words. Behold, the Babylon! Nuff more
Sometimes one sees some real wonders in nature that explain just how the universe really works. In the video posted here one sees some hippopotamuses toying with the notoriously visceral and lethal crocodiles without any fear nor more