Peppers, Curmin (Culinary Spices) Will Keep Breast Cancers Away from You – Jide Uwechia
A new study done at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center just demonstrated that combining the compounds derived from two spices — pepper and turmeric — could help prevent breast cancer by limiting the growth of stem cells that promote tumor growth. Pevention before occurence is always the best practice of more
“Gabriel Audu Oyibo is a Nigerian mathematician who solved the Grand Unification Theory – popularly known as the “Theory of Everything” or “The Holy Grail of Mathematics and Physics”, in 1990, by discovering the GOD Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT).read more
Ofala festival in the city of ON (ONI-cha) by the Niger in Nigeria - Living Gods[“The Goddess ON-uket of Kemit”]
The City of Onicha in Nigeria is said to retain vestiges of the ancient Khemitic religion, philosophical thought and cultural practices. read more
President Obama flies to Copenhagen – Rasta Livewire Environment Section, News Reports
President Obama flies to Copenhagen next week for a fresh round of talks to tackle issues around environmental pollution and “global warming.” read more
Thieves broke into the tomb and stole the remains of the former president of Cyprus Tassos Papadopoulos who died last year of lung cancer aged 74. read more
By Jide UwechiaGeorges Jansoone – Self-photographed Miniature drawing of a caravel from 16th century; Museum of the Forte da Ponta da Bandeira; Lagos, Portugal
The capital of Nigeria and the biggest state in Nigeria, West Africa are named Lagos. Lagos is an Iberic word which means the lakes. The province of Algrave in Portugal also has a city by the name of Lagos. How come the capital of Nigeria is situated in a locality named after a Portugese word is one of those not so known incidents of more
Rastafarian Views on Life, Politics and Social Issues