Category Archives: Prophet

Africans and the Vampires of Europe and America: The Parable of Ex-Presidents Charles Taylor and Pascal Lissouba – Revelations!

Chuck Your Bloody Constitution – By Baffour Ankomah

How The Vampires of Babylon Undermine Africa!

First, we don’t blame the West “for everything that is wrong in Africa”. That would make us fools or at best ostriches! Africans are responsible for some of the things that are wrong in Africa. And we say that loud and clear – in New African. We also don’t shy away from saying, equally loud and clear, that the West is to blame for some of the things that are wrong in Africa. read more

“White” Cannibals of Europe: Medical Cannibalism and Europeans – Relinked…

This series entitled “white” cannibals of Europe will give voice to the hidden but pervasive history of cannibalism, necrophilia, and necromancy in Europe among western and eastern European nations. The series will present incontrovertible evidence, often provided by so called “white” European authorities and intellectuals often writing for the local “white” elites who still read and understand the real history as opposed to the reality T.V. read more

“White” Cannibals of Europe: Man’s Body Sold to Russian Kebab Shop – News Report

This series entitled “white” cannibals of Europe will give voice to the hidden but pervasive history of cannibalism, necrophilia, and necromancy in Europe among western and eastern European nations. The series will present incontrovertible evidence, often provided by so called “white” European authorities and intellectuals often writing for the local “white” elites who still read and understand the real history as opposed to the reality T.V. read more